1. Lords of the Fallen
  2. News
  3. Update v.1.5.61

Update v.1.5.61

Greetings Lampbearers,

We’re back this week with some regular bug fixes, and maintenance to optimise your adventure through the lands of Mournstead.

In light, we walk.

  • Fixed an issue in multiplayer that may cause short lags when transitioning to Umbral.
  • Fixed an issue in multiplayer that may cause performance hitches when a coop partner dies or gets resurrected.
  • Fixed an issue in multiplayer that could cause players to get stuck between invasion and boss area moth walls under special circumstances.

  • Fixed a rare crash that could occur for a very small number of players directly on game boot-up.
  • Fixed a rare crash that could occur in multiplayer when leaving invasion areas unexpectedly.
  • Fixed a rare crash that could occur when fighting Pieta while she summons her clones.
  • Fixed a rare crash that could occur in multiplayer when using Soulflay under special circumstances.

  • Fixed an issue where the arms would not be properly attached to the body of Abiding Defender.
  • Fixed a visual glitch with hair 5 when traversing Mournstead without a helmet.
  • Updated the Shader Compilation text to include pending shader count.

Check out our roadmap here.

In Light we Walk.

Virtual photographies in this post are courtesy of @GaburiVP - created with the in-game 3D Photo Mode


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Twitter: https://twitter.com/lotfgame
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/cigames
