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  3. Development Update: Boats and Space Pods

Development Update: Boats and Space Pods

Good day fellow Meeps!

With launch date almost here, I thought I'd share the final two additions for now.

[h2]Naval Expeditions[/h2]

Once you have constructed a boat yard, your Reeve can embark on expeditions across the waters. Search for distant neighbors, special islands and medicinal herbs to apply to the World Turtle's wound.

[h2]One Day, Age Will Catch Up With the World Turtle[/h2]

While we have managed to keep our World Turtle reasonably healthy up to now, age will eventually catch up to it, even on the cosmic scale. It may only happen in the distant future on the Meep-scale, but we have the capability to start preparing for it now. Our actions may sometimes seem inconsequential, but has any significant event ever come to pass that had not been constructed entirely from inconsequential ones? So, let us do what we can, when we can, to try and ensure our own survival, and the survival of those around us.

See you again soon, for 1.0 launch...

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