1. World Turtles
  2. News
  3. Patch 1: A few Small Corrections

Patch 1: A few Small Corrections

Good day, fellow Meeps!

I'm uploading Patch #1 with a few small changes:
  • The "Mouse Scroll" icon looked more like a "Click Scroll Button" icon. Arrows added to the icon to clarify.
  • In the farming tutorial, once in a blue moon (by random numbers and very specific lay of the land), it could happen that the Dwellings was requested to be constructed outside of your territory, preventing you from progressing past that step. The launch build already catered for this happening for the farm, but I've now also catered for the Dwellings.
  • If, for whatever reason, a path cannot be found back home by a Reeve ending an expedition, it will wait a short while and keep looking for a path back home, rather than stay stuck out on the map.

I've had reports of a Reeve harvesting medicinal herbs, and then "getting stuck" without returning it to the Founders Hex. I am unable to replicate this on my side, even when loading someone's saved game where this happened. If this still happens after the changes above, I'd appreciate if you could log a report with as much information about the circumstances under which it occurred as possible.
