1. Dreadhunter
  2. News
  3. Extended Ability Trees

Extended Ability Trees

Variety is crucial! We have significantly expanded ability trees to provide you with more options to consider for your builds. Some ability nodes simply add power, while others assist you with health and ammo management, and some alter the way abilities behave in combat. These will serve as a benchmark for new abilities we will add to the game in the future.



But that's not all. Our plan is to utilize the tree system and create a proper skill tree for the character itself. Check the design draft below and let us know what you think!


* Ability trees reworked, node count multiplied, new ability customization options added
* Maximum ability level increased from 21 to 26 (25 ability points)
* Environmental hazards
- Burning pools added in Gate mission
- Explosive barrels added in Factory mission
* Larger and heavier enemies are now not being blocked by the smaller ones
* Explosive weapons have more ammo
* Small grenades have reduced knockback
* Fix - unpredictable knockback on various explosions
* Fix - anti aliasing missing in intro cutscene