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  3. Hotfix Patch Notes 0.200.05

Hotfix Patch Notes 0.200.05

Hello, fellow mutants,
We hope that you are enjoying playing and exploring all the new things that have come with the last Major Update.

With this hotfix patch we wanted to address some noted issues.

Additions and Updates
  • Added feature to use Pet Hack on Turrets
  • Updated all collectibles in Hub ship to also be visible to clients before they are placed
  • Added option to convert all more common crafting components into Refine Alloy with one button

Bug fixes
  • Fixed an issue with the Pet gun getting stuck on the player and not being able to be used in some situations
  • Fixed an issue with the Player losing input to fire in the Tutorial sometimes
  • Fixed an issue where when you are in the garment screen and the shuttle is started you can focus on the timer and lose input
  • Fixed an issue with Pet release where if you don't have anything to throw the Pet at, the scan will be disabled
  • Fixed an issue with Pet going through the environment sometimes when being thrown toward the target
  • Fixed an issue with the Blockade door outline not showing correctly when the door is pinged
  • Fixed an issue with the destructible terminal effect still being visible after the terminal is destroyed
  • Fixed an issue with Rangers getting aggroed too late
  • Fixed an issue where Enemies have some delay when exiting the vent and getting aggroed
  • Fixed an issue with Soldiers who couldn’t navigate through the destroyed door blockade
  • Fixed an issue with death animations being triggered 2 times for some enemies
  • Fixed an issue when you throw a Pet and get down instantly after it, you will get rescued without any gun in your hands
  • Fixed an issue where Critters stopped using travel locators
  • Fixed an issue where Rangers that fell in the electricity from the vent would get stuck in the air for a few seconds
  • Fixed an issue with Leapers sometimes not doing ripout animation
  • Fixed an issue with the Sessions screen not updating if the player doesn't close it
  • Fixed an issue with Clients not seeing the Armed Bandit machine even when it was placed in the Host hub ship
  • Fixed an issue with Soldier ripout animation being played for too long