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  3. Playtests Incoming for Vampire Clans! 🦇

Playtests Incoming for Vampire Clans! 🦇

Hello vampire enthusiasts!

Today marks a milestone we've been itching to share with all of you. The sun sets, and as the world plunges into the delightful embrace of twilight, we’re thrilled to announce that signups for Vampire Clans playtests are now officially open!


🎮 Why Playtest?

For those unfamiliar with game development lingo, playtests are our way of ensuring the gameplay experience is seamless, balanced, and most importantly, fun! By inviting players to try out our game before the official release, we gather invaluable feedback to refine the gameplay, fix any lurking bugs, and ultimately ensure that the world of Vampire Clans is one you’ll want to dive into, night after night.

💪 Our Journey Thus Far...

It's been a journey of blood, sweat, and countless nights (because let's face it, vampires aren't big on daytime). From the first conceptual sketches to the intricate lore we’ve woven into the fabric of our game, every step has been taken with immense care and passion. Now, the time has come to share our hard work with a select group of players who can help us take Vampire Clans to the next level.

💌 How to Sign Up?

If you're as excited as we are and wish to be among the first to experience the dark and enticing world of Vampire Clans, head over to our Steam page where you can sign up by clicking Request Access.


Playtesting is not just about playing – we value your feedback! Please be prepared to share your thoughts, experiences, and any issues you encounter.
The game is still in development. You might encounter some issues, but that's what the playtest is for! Your understanding and patience are much appreciated.

🙏 A Big Thank You!

Lastly, we'd like to express our heartfelt gratitude to this incredible community. Your continued support, engagement, and excitement for Vampire Clans are what drives us to perfect our creation.

Get ready to embark on a supernatural journey, and may your clan reign supreme in the nights to come!

Stay nocturnal,
The Vampire Clans Dev Team 🦇❤️