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  2. News
  3. Development progress!

Development progress!

Hey everyone! Bruno here.

I'm very happy because Dunjungle has been getting quite a few new wishlists and followers lately.
And I wanted to give you an update about the development's progress.

Added new layouts for Combat Areas.
Added Elite Enemies with special rewards. They appear depending on the difficulty of the area.
Improved boss battle intro scenes.
Improved Count Monkula Boss Fight.
Merchant appears by chance before combat rooms (only when you have enough money).

Added special currency for meta-progression upgrades
Added Permanent Upgrades - Monkey Doctor
Added Permanent Upgrades - Shaman
Added Permanent Upgrades - Blacksmith
Added Permanent Upgrades - Snake

Added Skill: Summon Bat
Added Skill: Throwing Spear
Added Relic: Critical When Low
Added Relic: Counter - Guardian Spirit
Added Relic: Chance to summon Spirit Seeker when attacking
Added Relic: Defeated enemies have a chance to explode
Added Relic: Sprinting creates a fire trail
Added Relic: Dodging creates a fire trail
Added Relic: Increase Critical Hit Chance when Health is low
Added Relic: Dodging drops a trap
Added Relic: Successfully dodging drops a Bomb
Added Relic: Amulet charges faster
Added Relic: Allows you to perform a triple jump


These new changes are not yet reflected in the demo, but I'm working more than ever to make Dunjungle the most fun experience possible for the players, and I think specially if you're a Roguelite fan, you won't be dissapointed when it comes out.

Try the demo if you didn't already! And let me know your thoughts.