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Metal Slug Tactics News

Isometric turn-based RPG Metal Slug Tactics delayed into 2023

Turn-based tactical RPG Metal Slug Tactics has been delayed. Saying that "the squad needs a bit more time in the shop to prepare for the battles ahead," the publisher has announced that it'll now be coming out in 2023.

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Greetings soldiers,

One year ago, we told you that we were working on Metal Slug Tactics. Today, a year later, our teams at Leikir Studio and Dotemu have made the difficult decision to postpone the game to 2023.

Rest assured, we are working really hard to make Metal Slug Tactics as explosive as possible on release, but for that, we need a bit more time in the shop to prepare for the battles ahead.

Soldiers, we would like to thank you all for the everlasting love and support you have given us since the reveal. See you in 2023!

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Metal Slug Tactics' latest gameplay trailer teases some towering boss battles

Metal Slug Tactics adding a third-dimension looks to have been an excellent idea. As we saw during E3, the traditionally 2D platformer has spawned an isometric strategy game. Aesthetically, it’s lost nothing in translation. The pixelly characters look lovely in any dimension, and the levels are delightfully detailed dioramas filled with fun little battles. Metal Slug also had giant bosses to cap off levels, and though there's a new perspective in play, the latest gameplay trailer for Metal Slug Tactics shows the bosses are as meaty as before.

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Metal Slug Tactics gameplay footage shows off its chunky sprites and vivid backgrounds

Metal Slug Tactics was a lovely surprise when first announced back at E3 2021. The sidescrolling run-and-gun series didn't seem to have a tactics game in it, but it turns out it does, and Leikir Studio is really leaning into what makes the Metal Slug games special: the art style...
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Metal Slug Tactics - Taktisches RPG mit Roguelite-Elemente vorgestellt

Dotemu und die französischen Leikir Studios haben während der Kick-Off-Show zum "Summer Game Fest" mit Metal Slug Tactics eine neue Adaption der Shoot'em-Up-Reihe Metal Slug enthüllt, die in Partnerschaft mit SNK entsteht und die "mitreißende Action mit taktischem Tiefgang" verbinden möchte. [...]

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