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  3. DevBlog #3 - Are we alive?

DevBlog #3 - Are we alive?

[h3]Greetings all, Crucial Experiment returns from its cosy greenhouse to the world![/h3]

[h3]That day has come, the whole team is back together, which means it's time to get down to making the game, and we even have a story to tell you.

First we'd like to tell you a bit about the return of the game itself on Steam. Valve recently hid the game's page on June 25 due to the long absence of the main bundle, we talked to support and got the game back on Steam, but with the bundle itself. The game is now available for purchase, but we do not ask you to buy it now for full price, better wait for discounts, where we will make them from 70-90% (just in case there is a special section on the page itself with a warning), and yes who already has the game in the library should not buy it again.[/h3]

[h3]A lot had to be reworked or rewritten, but we assure you it's worth it!
We decided to start creating the first demo of the game, removing everything unnecessary and adding what was needed.

This is roughly the schedule we have at the moment, the plan is to try to finish this part before the end of the summer, but it looks like we won't be able to do it all that quickly.[/h3]

[h3]Well, the game's scenario has changed a bit again, which was understandable, the game hasn't been touched or changed all year, but now, after a long hibernation, the story has even started to take on some of the outlines of a demo. Now every user who has the game can see what we're doing with the game itself, we try to update the game with every change in the story, giving players a chance to feel and tweak some things.

The scenario may be reworked a bunch of times, but most importantly, it will never change - the same train Mickey rode for a year across the fields, the same Veronica and Lera waiting for him at the station, or his father.[/h3]

[h3]We can talk about the game's design, new backgrounds, character sprites and more before the demo is even released.

A few examples of the new character designs we're trying to stick to (they're slightly different in the game due to size)

Also some concept backgrounds and locations that are under development

Alexander leaves his son and goes away

Draft version of the new menu

Draft version of the new station

As you can see, work on the design continues, which means the game is alive too![/h3]

[h3]The most stable item that has continued to develop all year, thanks to our compatriot for continuing to work with us! Since the post there have been many new tracks and new ideas for future tracks that are currently in development, here are some of them: title theme and main menu theme (for the demo)[/h3]

[h2]The End[/h2]
[h3]A huge thank you to everyone who continues to wait, follow and believe in us! We're very excited to be back in development and releasing new updates for you. We also recently brought back Durka Simulator to Steam, and it's now available for download too! They say there are even some updates coming out, maybe they'll finally release a second chapter?

We'd also appreciate it if you add the game to your wishlist and recommend it to your friends (or subscribe to the Crucial Experiment page on Steam).

That's all for now, you can find new concepts and some other news on our VK or Discord. Have a great summer holiday and the biggest discounts![/h3]