1. Doomsday Paradise
  2. News
  3. Patch Notes 1.1

Patch Notes 1.1

Patch Notes

[h2]New Content[/h2]
  • A new boss has been added to the game! The boss will be unlocked based on the number of games you've played. Finishing a game (or quitting a game) will unlock the boss if you meet their unlock conditions.
  • Significantly more in-combat logging for better bug and crash detection.
  • A new SFX has been added when viewing the endings screen.

  • The online stability fix released last patch now correctly applies to miniboss battles (whoops)
  • Online stability improvements.
  • Ending 61 displays the correct text.

[h2]Known Issues[/h2]
The functionality to preview something with hovertext has exposed some skills and items that weren't meant to be visible. These will be translated and corrected in the next content update, when everything goes through localization!
  • Some item/skill tooltips don't have translations.
  • Some item/skill tooltips are improperly named, or have typos.

Online Stability

With the Steam sale I saw a lot more reviews mentioning the online experience.

Online tends to either work perfectly -or be a bit of a mess. Unfortunately, I'm in the camp where it works perfectly- so I've had an extremely hard time locating the exact issues. The stability improvements I've shipped have all helped- but I'm still flying a little blind.

If on this patch you encounter online issues, join the Discord server and I'll be happy to join you for a game with the dev!

This way, if we find the issue and can replicate it- I can figure out exactly what's breaking with my debug build and we can solve the issue on the spot. This is also why this patch has more in-depth logging- in order to better track down when things are falling apart.

If you WERE hitting online issues but AREN'T anymore on this patch- also let me know!

Because the online works for me, I also can't be confident the patches I ship out solve things for everyone. Stop by the community forums or Discord server and let me know!

The game is developed by just a single person, so all feedback is super helpful.

[h2]When things Break[/h2]
If your game disconnects, hold the E/Start button to return to the title screen. From there, the game's host can try to Continue it by navigating to "Online" and then pressing "Continue". This will create a new lobby that will pick up where the old game left off.

If this isn't working and you're crashing in the same spot, get in touch!


Wave 1 will release sometime next month, and will include new enemies, bosses, endings, and scenarios!

Until then, I'll be heads down on that and working on some bugfixes.

Thanks everyone for playing!