1. Suit for Hire
  2. News
  3. Patch v19.4 - Bugfixes and Improvements

Patch v19.4 - Bugfixes and Improvements

Hey everyone,

We've made some major bugfixes and improvements to the game that should hopefully make things feel better, we also reverted our engine code back to the original code rather than source code which should resolve some other issues.

The full patch notes can be found below:

  • FIXED: Bright lights in levels like the Subway Level
  • FIXED: Black fade wall not disappearing in the Club level somehow
  • FIXED: Enemies keep getting stuck in cover state (this is a duct tape fix for now, we'll be doing a full revamp of the AI in the near future)
  • FIXED: Weapon selection would load before Game Instance causing weapons that were locked to appear unlocked on first start-up
  • FIXED: Cathedral boss firing even when the player would start executing an enemy
  • FIXED: Dive not working near objects and was being set to 'Standing' during dive
  • FIXED: Secondary weapon execution being used even though primary is equipped

Thanks for all of your feedback and bug reports, keep them coming and Happy New Year!

Discuss the game with us and the community on Discord and Twitter. If you want to see the game developed live, catch Crimson on Twitch.

Report any bugs or feedback on our Community Hub.