1. Suit for Hire
  2. News
  3. Patch v19.5 - New Year, New Bugfixes

Patch v19.5 - New Year, New Bugfixes

Hey everyone,

Happy New Year! A new year means new patches (and probably new bugs...), thanks again to everyone that submitted bugs for this patch in particular (@Scott, @Dabt, @legend), if anyone ever has any feedback or bug reports, please let us know!

Without wasting any more of your time, here's the patch notes for v19.5:

  • FIXED: Certain actions caused the player to swap weapons involuntarily
  • FIXED: Cathedral boss UI would not disappear after restarting/dying (let me know if this continues to happen, I was not able to personally reproduce it so I put in some duct tape fixes just in case)
  • FIXED: Player should no longer be able to stand on grenades
  • FIXED: Player can clip into rocks in the Courtyard Level
  • FIXED: Player can jump out of bounds on the Club level
  • FIXED: Fade wall would appear on walls that were unintended (primarily fixed in Shipyard, let me know if other places look weird)
  • FIXED: Player sometimes can't progress even after killing all enemies in the Cathedral boss room (again, I wasn't able to reproduce so I put some additional checks just in case, but let me know if this occurs again)
  • FIXED: Swapping from a melee weapon back to gun doesn't show laser, flashlight, and other widgets even when enabled in Settings
  • FIXED: Melee attacking and then attempting to use a melee weapon would have mismatching combo values causing the player to only target/attach to an enemy but not attack

Thanks to everyone playing/picking up the game and providing your feedback and bug reports, it helps us a ton in improving the game. More to come in 2024, cheers!

Discuss the game with us and the community on Discord and Twitter. If you want to see the game developed live, catch Crimson on Twitch.

Report any bugs or feedback on our Community Hub.