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  3. Community Wrap-Up: 26th April 2024

Community Wrap-Up: 26th April 2024

It's the last community wrap-up of April, which means we're well into spring now! We had both our Easter seasonal event and our Cherry Blossom seasonal event this month, making for a busy time in the underground.

[h2]Sayonara Scene Makers![/h2]
Our Scene Makers open community project closed at 22:59 UTC on Monday the 22nd of April with hundreds upon hundreds of entries. We hope everybody who participated had fun and we're already making our way through your submissions. It's going to be hard to narrow it down to around 50 to include in the 1.0 version of the game!

[h2]Desert Concepts[/h2]
We shared this awesome Desert of Beginnings concept art, created by Julian (our Lead Artist!). As you can see, almost everything here made the final cut in one way or another. How much of the Desert have you uncovered, Explorers?

[h2]Screenshot Comparison[/h2]
We found an old screenshot we took that's over two years old and we thought it would be fun to re-create it in the latest build of the game. We've made some big changes since we first entered into Early Access, including lighting updates, new content, and revamps of existing content (notice the Decorative Torches?). The first image is from around the beginning of 2022, and the one below it was taken last week!

[h2]Sorry Snail![/h2]
Sometimes, we accidentally say the most unhinged stuff when playing Core Keeper. Our community manager, Bridie, found themself shouting "It's only prolonging the inevitable by running!" when mining ore from this Crystal Snail the other day. Not their proudest moment. What are some of the strangest things you've shouted playing Core Keeper?

[h2]Chess Keeper[/h2]
Discord user, RustyDios, created this amazing chess board inspired by a post in the feedback and suggestions forums on our Discord! Golden food is white, normal food is black, and here's a little breakdown of the individual pieces:

  • Carrock Rooks
  • Heart Berry Horses
  • Bomb Pepper Bishops
  • Grumpkin Kings
  • Lunacorn Queens
  • Glow Tulip Pawns

Thanks for sharing this awesome creation, RustyDios, and thanks for the inspiration, Ryan Adamic!

[h2]Big Larva Fan Art[/h2]
We absolutely LOVE this Big Larva art by Discord user, Xiapher. From the way the goo drips off of it all the way to the lighting from underneath!

[h2]Time to Call it a Night[/h2]
Ahh, this screenshot from Discord user, aNerdyNotioneer, is giving cozy forest vibes for sure. Sometimes, the simple things in life (and a Shrooman Cap) are all you need!

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