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  3. Community Wrap-Up: 19th April 2024

Community Wrap-Up: 19th April 2024

We're already flying through April and that means we're coming towards the end of our Scene Makers open community project and inching ever closer to our 1.0 release. We've not announced an exact date yet, but you can expect our 1.0 and console launch in Summer 2024, so keep an eye out for info and updates!

[h2]Three More Days of Scene Makers![/h2]
Scene Makers is closing at 22.59 UTC on April 22nd; don't leave it to the last minute to submit those entries, Explorers! Remember, we'll be picking at least 50 of your submissions to appear in the 1.0 version of the game, and we're aiming to include qualifying creator (or team) names in the Core Keeper credits. For more information on scene makers, including details on how to submit, click here!

[h2]Atmospheric Railway[/h2]
This railway scene is a fun example of how the right lighting can create a sense of atmosphere and lead your eyes to points of interest.

[h2]1.0 Teaser[/h2]
Remember our Lunar New Year seasonal event trailer? Well, you might have spotted this exciting 1.0 teaser that we snuck in there! What is this mysterious creature? Is it friend or foe? And did you know that it's actually a hybrid of 2D and 3D animation?!

[h2]Galaxite Bolders[/h2]
If you're wandering through The Desert of Beginnings, you might just stumble upon this trio of Galaxite boulders! Don't worry if you've not got a drill to hand, though, there's a little Galaxite ore in the surrounding walls too.

[h2]Vondikall's Smelter Setup[/h2]
Discord user, vondikall, was kind enough to share their smelter setup with us! It starts with conveyor belts connected to ore boulders all over the world The drilled ore then travels along the belts and through smelters so that the chests at their base fill with finished bars. Pretty impressive!

[h2]Love of Automation[/h2]
It's an automation-themed week! Discord user, RustyDios, has just discovered the joys of automation in Core Keeper and now they're wondering why they ever did anything by hand.

[h2]Desert Skylights[/h2]
Check out this awesome fan art from Scribblin! This idea came to them when they were roaming through The Desert of Beginnings and thought "if we could just look up in the desert...I wonder what we'd see?"

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