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  3. 📖 Mini-Devlog #16

📖 Mini-Devlog #16

[h3][✨v0.8 is in development and will go live in early May✨][/h3]

[h2]Greetings, Researchers![/h2]

It's been a while~ Quite a bit of things happening behind the scenes, and I wanted to make sure things were working as intended before sharing a devlog! We plan to launch this v0.8 update in early May.

[h2]Major Feature: Farm Buildings - Build, Move, Demolish[/h2]

This is a big one - letting players have the ability to build Farm Buildings from Theo's shop. This includes building, moving, and demolishing the building.

[h3]Farm Building: Dormancy Barn 💤[/h3]

We hear you - there are so many creatures to manage!

There'll be 4 new creatures this update (more below), which makes 29 total creature types in the game! We need something to help with the many creatures players will tame throughout the game.

The Dormancy Barn is a storage area for creatures, where you can keep your critters. Stored critters will not require much upkeep - the player will not need to feed them (there's already food in the barn), and their bond and happiness will remain unchanged.
Little dormant creatures with unique sprites!

[h2]New Content and QOL Features[/h2]
[h3]New Introductory Quest: Creature Traits 🐓[/h3]
A new introductory quest has been added. All players will be able to get and complete the quest (even on an old save).

[h3]4 new creatures! 🦋[/h3]
We've added 4 creatures that only appear in Year 2! One of them is a Glimmoth - look how cute!

[h3]Added 'Summit', a new unlockable area in the Peaks 🗻[/h3]
Players will be able to unlock an additional (small) part of the map, called the 'Summit'. There is a mountain spring where you can soak a little~

[h3]Creature Compendium 📖[/h3]
Players can obtain a Creature Compendium, which shows all tamed creatures and their details.

There are a few other smaller changes which I'll list in a patch note once the update is live!

Tty soon,
Miki 🤍