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  3. Heading Out is OUT NOW

Heading Out is OUT NOW


The time is finally here, and we are thrilled for Heading Out to release today!

This has been a long time coming; we have been working on Heading Out for more than 4 years, surviving the pandemic, and switching publishers in the process. There were times when we had to borrow money to carry on with this project, but we always believed that Heading Out was worth the risk. In the end, we are here, at the finish line, showing you the game that means the world to us and wishing it will mean something special for you too.

We truly can’t wait to hear from each of you about your own journeys through America’s cities and down the highways and backroads. So don't be afraid to leave a comment or contact us directly - especially if you find a bug, we will fix it ASAP.

If you’re new here - welcome! - Heading Out is a part narrative adventure, part roguelite, and part racing game greatly inspired by cult-classic road movies like Thelma & Louise and Vanishing Point (and Two-Lane Blacktop, does anyone remember it?). Choose your route across the USA on an unpredictable thrill ride blending white-knuckle racing, strategy, and storytelling.

Grab the wheel, slam your foot on the gas, and let’s go for a ride. And have a great time playing!
-Serious Sim

PS: Very small and weird thing to note, but this is how we are. This launch version of Heading Out is version 0.8 instead of your typical 1.0. Why? 'Cause we forgot to change the build number. Oh, the shame!

Get Heading Out:
