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Hero's Hour News

v2.6.1, v2.6.2 and v2.6.3 - minor patches

Here are the patch notes for the various minor updates. v2.6.1 was only live on beta - v2.6.2 was released a couple of days ago, and v2.6.3 is a small hotfix patch on top of that.

Fixed a rare bug where an obelisk would generate an obelus ON TOP of the buried treasure
Scrying achievement text now reads "Find an obelisk treasure with no clues apart from the first obelisk"
Fixed a bug that might cause a boat or a resource to be generated on top of a coastline even when there was an empty tile available
Rearranged credits so all of them are visible
Added some new community credits and updated publishing credits
Credits are now larger and better spaced
Removed debug feature that made artifacts draw lines to other artifacts of the same set when holding backspace
Fixed a crash related to defeating hostile pirates
Fixed a crash that would occur when entering a battle while being tabbed out of the game
Fixed a bug that would make units flee more rarely unless you held your cursor above the HUD at the top of the screen
Fixed the placement of tooltips that just move a bit above the top of the screen to not be cut off at the top
Fixed a bug making the "Skilltrees: Off" advanced map setting a bit more random than intended
Fixed a typo that made Fus Sofu and Kop Laka not start with the right spell (Summon Seastar)
Fixed various issues with custom modded units using sprites larger than 24x24
Added some code to make sure that hero units that respawn after death have the correct color and angle
Fixed several issues with random events not occuring correctly during battle, which would, for instance, make all AOE projectiles land in the same spot, or make boats suddenly move strangely during naval combat
Fixed the behaviour of swimming units with ranged attacks. Units can no longer use ranged attacks while swimming
Swimming units now spend less time under water before jumping back up onto the ship
Slightly increased width of Town UI window
Made sure the Summoning Circle will not create units that should not be created by random effects
Increased the size of Wyvern
Reworked Reviving Legend achievement to now require 5 artifacts of a single set
Fixed the Ancient Power achievement to now correctly trigger at 3 artifacts of a single set
Fixed a rare situation where checking for abilities in custom scripting would lead to a crash
Fixed unitskins breaking across mods in case canvas extension is used by a single mod
Fixed a rare bug with backwards compatibility for corrupted saves, which would make the game crash whenever the player pressed the Load button
Made sure that Hostile Pirates would generate unique heroes and armies instead of rerolling the same results again and again
You may now place Rogue towns using the tilemap editor
You may now place settlements using the tilemap editor
Improved the display of what towns are available in the tilemap editor
Using mods will now always export unit group .pngs, even if not using unit group mods (since unit mods might also go into unit groups on their own)
Fixed an issue that made neutral unit mods not correctly add to the right unitgroup when using Rogue Realms
Faction mods now correctly add Hero Class lore to their classes
Fixed rare issues where a hero would get the wrong entourage units when having a specialty unit that had no unit groups - now Puk Aro, for instance, will no longer gain Great Hydra as entourage units
Made sure that faction heroes will use faction units for entourage units if their specialty unit did not belong to any unit group
Amtio now represents the Carrion unit group, and Fromage now represents the Pond unit group
Fixed an issue that would sometimes delete artifacts in the hero's inventory
Fixed a bug with Tailtoads fighting against Fireflies that could make the game hang forever
Fixed Tailtoads' death animation
Fixed a bug causing corpses to not reach the final frame of their animation when playing at 2x battle speed
Fixed a bug causing spell casts to sometimes fail when holding your mouse above a unit while selecting the spell from your spellbook and also your resolution was low
Improved the casting of Firegating and Firetrapping
Fixed a typo that prevented the flying unit air drop and teleswapping unit abilities from working
Fixed a bug related to achievement unlocking that would slow down large maps tremendously in the late-game
Fixed a bug related to flying units getting stuck on the top, bottom or right edge of combat during naval battles
Fixed living units' aura colour being coloured the wrong colour
Fixed units occassionally moving strangely during naval combat
Fixed unit corpses not moving along with their boats
Fixed swimming units occassionally moving at supersonic speeds
Increased the size of the naval combat battlefield and reduced the distance between the boats at the start of battle
Fixed a bug that made the right-side units during naval combat not be placed correctly at the start of battle
Losing skill points in Tactics, Mastery, Bodyguards and Oligarchy now correctly changes command, proficiency and entourage
Fixed a bug that made Entourage and Proficiency gain from Mastery and Bodyguards doubled
Reduced the frequency of Snowbeard and Tailtoad projectiles will freeze the enemy unit
Midas Touch now applies via Snowbeard and Tailtoad projectiles, as they should
Fixed a rare bug which could crash the game when playing on very large battlefields without any enemies left and using units with infinite range
Fixed the following spells which could make immobile units move: Swift Retreat, Army of Giants, Gigantism
Fixed the following effects which could make immobile units move: Echoes artifact set bonus, Chemun tea, Swiftness skill, Rallying, Combat skill (only relevant for modding)
Made the following unit effects no longer make immobile units move: Fast, Light, Flimsy, Flying, Mutation
Switched position of Dragonking and Blight Ritual for RR Puk Aro skilltree
Magmoles are now significantly stronger
Mirrored game files for units now accurately depict the units' stats
Fixed names for some rogue dwellings being switched
Fixed priority of modded heroes spec units when two units have the same name
Updated art for the Arachnian as well as most of the new Ants introduced in v2.6.0

Fixed a rare bug that could cause a crash when playing as Tide, not having any pearls, and using the Classic town screen
Fixed a crash related to the updated Teleswap ability scripting
Fixed an issue with faction mods that would occassionally make hero portraits for the 5th and later added faction have wrong portraits used
Fixed an infinite stall bug caused by Snowbeards fighting against low-tier enemies
Reduced the frequency of Snowbeard and Tailtoad projectiles will freeze the enemy unit EVEN MORE
Fixed a bug that would occassionally crash the game when a hunted hidden beast was about to respawn
Fixed Reveal full map not working correctly for hotseat

Fixed a crash that led to faction mods being unplayable for non-English language games
If mods crash the game before reaching the main menu, they now get automatically turned off next time you open the game
Changed unit edit mods to now be able to just edit a few attributes without causing a crash
Patience achievement now just requires winning on the Patience map - the time limit is removed because it led to a lot of issues

v2.6.0 - Great War out now!

So, it finally happened! Hero’s Hour version 2.6 is now complete and released. I know it has been almost a year since the last major update. You might even consider this the third Hero’s Hour anniversary release. First anniversary update was v2.0 and steam release - second anniversary was v2.4 and Rogue Realms release - and this third anniversary is v2.6 and the Great War update.
The Great War update brings overhauls, updates and new content to rather a lot of systems. The three major areas of this update are:
  • Hero classes and rare heroes
  • Artifacts and artifact sets
  • Battlefields

Let’s take them one at a time and go over the various major improvements and the ideas behind them.

[h2]Unlockable Heroes[/h2]

For the longest time now, Hero’s Hour has had a peculiar system where each faction had six heroes per faction - but then, each of those six heroes would have a copy with a different portrait and name, but the exact same skill tree. There have been a lot of suggestions across time to give those extra heroes their own specialty units at least. Well, I’ve gone now and made it so that the extra heroes actually are full heroes on their own. And to make sure they don’t just add too much extra stuff to the game, they’re becoming their own type of hero: Unlockable heroes.

[h3]BASE GAME[/h3]

  • Replaced 72 alternate heroes with unlockable heroes
  • Added 8 neutral unlockable heroes
  • Added 4 unlockable faction heroes belonging to “secret factions”


  • Changed what Rogue Realms rogue towns can be chosen when starting a new map, making it so that all 12 towns are now available as starting town
  • Changed the 12 Rogue Realms heroes that were previously unavailable as starting heroes to now be unlockable heroes
  • Added 24 unlockable heroes for Rogue Realms

[h3]Most hero portraits have been updated with new art by SleepyMage[/h3]

When a player first starts playing the game, they will only have the main heroes available - but as the player unlocks various achievements throughout the game, they will gain access to more and more unlockable heroes from across the various factions. When picking your starting hero, the available list expands - or you can press a button to see the unavailable options and how to unlock them.
Unlockable heroes are basically like the main heroes - but they have a bit more personality to make playing as them a bit more varied. First off, they have unusual specialty units - that is, units that are not usually part of their faction. Secondly, starting as an unlockable hero changes what units are available in the starting town so that you actually do gain access to their specialty unit. Finally, several of the specialty units for the unlockable heroes are units that are new to v2.7.

[h2]New Units[/h2]

As mentioned, the update brings a bunch of new units to the game which are slightly more unique than most other neutral units.

- Changed unlockable heroes to specialise in non-faction units
- Starting as an unlockable hero allows you to hire their specialty unit in town
- Added 29 new units, including:
  • Houndmaster is a unit that is actually three units: two hound dogs and one hound tamer.
  • Thornbinder can root enemy units from across the battlefield.
  • Ebon Paw has nine lives.
  • Elemental Nexus turns into one one of four variants depending on the element of spells you cast during combat.
  • Snowbeard calls hail down on enemies across the battlefield.
  • Goblin Ensign leaves behind a banner when it dies, which will promote another goblin into a goblin ensign after the battle.

- Added two new unit groups: Frogs and Ants
  • A whole new series of ant units drawn by AntRose, author of the Colony, Honey and other mods

- Set these new units to be used by the unlockable heroes as specialty units
Another unique thing about unlockable heroes is that they do not usually start with two rank I skills - instead they start with two ranks in a single skill, giving them a head start on (hopefully) a useful strategy.

[h2]Hero Classes and Stat Rework[/h2]

While working on cleaning up the hero system in the game, I also went and cleaned up the even more spaghetti-codey hero class system. Did you know that the first 12 hero classes added to the game had their own unique progressions of how they would gain new stats, while the latter 12 hero classes and the neutral heroes all used copies of the Warden and Archdruid classes? Fun fact, huh.
Anyway, that’s a thing of the past. Each hero class now has its own unique stat gain progression once more - also, there’s even more hero classes - and also also, there’s now more stats.

- Added 12 new hero classes for the Rogue Realms heroes
- Added Daily Movement as a hero stat
- Added Command as a hero stat, which controls how many units can be fielded at a time during combat
  • Tactics skill now increases Command; Hegemony now decreases Command

- Added Proficiency as a hero stat, which creates specialty units for the hero and increases their stats
  • Mastery now increases Proficiency

- Added Entourage as a hero stat, which creates disposable units for secondary heroes
  • Bodyguards now increases Entourage

- Added 10 new small overworld buildings that give permanent stat bonuses to heroes
- Added 5 new large overworld buildings that give choices between units, stats, etc.
- Changed all Hero Classes to now have unique stat progressions between all 10 stats
- Implemented new level-up system which increases 1-3 stats each level, weighing some stats as more valuable than others
- Expected stats for a hero class at level 20 is now shown in newly added tooltips

For a long time, I’ve wanted to solve the issue of hero classes never really mattering. While my previous collaborator for hero stats believed that you could tell hero classes apart just by four stats, I never could make it work myself. Thus this new system of ten stats.
It might look like three new stats were added, but really, they’re just reworks of systems already in place. Proficiency is Mastery, but for all heroes - as Entourage is Bodyguards, too. Daily Movement already increased with level-ups, but in an unclear manner. And Command…
Well, for a long time, army reserve limits have been dependant on how many units you had in your army. This pretty much works since it scales automatically throughout the game. But that system was never particularly clear. Command, now, should be more interesting and more clear - you will be able to feel that you’re at an advantage or disadvantage if you have more or less of this stat than your opponent in the late-game. This rework also symbolises moving from the old “can’t field too many units because the game can’t handle it” to the new “can’t field too many units because you need to prioritise strategies” - more on that later, though.

[h2]Hero and Hero Class Modding[/h2]

For those of you who make mods, the reworks in v2.6 should also vastly increase your abilities when it comes to making mods for heroes. The new modding capabilities are carried by a new mod file syntax, which should be easier and more readable - adding more functionality without making simple mods more complex too.
Some of the new functionality allows things like setting heroes to be of one type of class, another faction, and display a custom, third hero class name, while using the sprite of a fourth class. It is now also more straightforward to pick modded heroes that are aligned with a specific faction from the map selection screen. There are also easier ways to add unit abilities during combat to specific heroes or hero classes.
Finally, there is now support to add any number of heroes in a faction mod, whether it be more or less than six, and to add in pseudo-factions by creating a unit group, setting a hero to use that unit group, and then starting the game as that hero.
Oh - and the Rogue Realms system of having easily editable Skilltrees is now being added as a normal modding feature both for the DLC and for the base game.

[h2]Artifacts Rework, and New Artifact Sets[/h2]

I set up to completely overhaul the artifacts system, with two big issues that I wanted to fix. One is about how difficult it is to collect a single artifact set - it seemed easier, actually, to get duplicate artifacts than to collect a set. The other issue was about how a lot of artifacts gave +1 to some random skill, which meant that with ten artifact slots, you might end up with a hero with an extremely bloated skills page.

- Removed 130 artifacts from the game (all non-set artifacts)
- Added 217 new artifacts
- Added 24 new artifact set bonuses, all of which give a minor bonus starting at two pieces and increasing with additional pieces
- Implemented a new system where all artifacts are kept track off, minimising duplicates
- Implemented a system where artifacts in the same map realm get generated with higher chance of being of the same set as other artifacts in the same realm
- Fixed various issues preventing Delirium avatars from getting use of artifacts and artifact sets
- Added various new artifact bonuses:
  • Firepower, Waterpower, Earthpower and Airpower improving spells of a specific type
  • Skeletal Strike creates skeletons when your hero hits enemies
  • Terror terrifies enemy units hit by your hero
  • Grizzly Guard creates grizzlies guarding the hero at the start of combat
  • Elemental Guard creates elementals guarding the hero at the start of combat
  • Shadowbetrayal creates shadowy clones of enemy units during combat

- Improved UI for artifact tooltips, showing colours and icons for the artifact sets.

The new artifact system not only brings a lot of new and more varied artifacts, each of which is tied into a set with common aesthetics, but also brings a lot more variety into the artifacts available. There are still some artifacts which give +1 to a skill, but most of them now give some of these more minor and less bloated bonuses instead. Their unique effects are now more often relegated to the new artifact set bonuses.
The previous artifact sets had a small set selection of artifacts, meaning it was hard to collect enough for a set bonus - and if you did make a set, it would give a huge, often game-winning bonus. These new artifact set bonuses will be granted earlier, both because artifacts from the same set are more common, and because you only need two artifacts for the bonus to start - but the bonuses are more minor. For instance, there’s a set bonus giving daily gold income, one which casts lightning spells during combat, and one that gives a tier 7 unit each week. They will, however, scale if you have more set pieces, and they do start to become really strong at 4 or 5 pieces of the same set.
Some of the new artifact bonuses are currently being watched for feedback - I am likely to phase some of them out as time passes. As for the artifact set bonuses, I don’t currently foresee any of them being balance issues, but it’s likely that some will need buffs. That’s the thing - this is a huge rework of a core system of the game - and I’m excited to see how people find it, and how it’ll evolve in future updates.

[h2]Battlefield Rework[/h2]

One of the most common suggestions has been to improve the battlefields to add in interesting terrain features. This has not really been possible earlier due to the simplistic pathfinding of units. Units would move towards the closest enemy, and would just get pushed around any obstacles - this only worked if the obstacles were small and round (thus obstacles worked as they did previously). The largest change, code-wise, is that unit pathing during combat has been completely reworked to now take into account:
  • Obstacles blocking the path
  • Speed difference of various types of terrain
  • Number of friendly units already going that way

The new system should more efficiently have units spread out and seek out enemies, no matter what obstacles exist.
The new system also opens up the door to a lot of new mechanics dealing with battlefield obstacles. For now, there’s just a rather simple implementation, but this is likely to be expanded later on, such as having spells that create or remove obstacles from the battlefield, or having combat encounters with walls that are not just the current, well-known siege type of thing.
Joining us in v2.6, however, there’s already a lot of new terrain-specific combat obstacles that are being added. Most battles won’t change too much, to avoid the core gameplay of auto-battles not becoming too complex, but there are a lot of new avenues of strategy and decision-making for those players who want to maximise their armies:
  • Water that slows down unit movement, especially for small units
  • Mud that slows down unit movement, especially for large units
  • Flowers which increase healing effects
  • Crystals which buff magical units
  • Lava terrain which damages units walking across or landing on it
  • Cacti which damage units landing on it
  • Ice which is slippery to walk on

Various units get various immunities to the above effects. For instance, aquatic units are not slowed down in water, and demons are not damaged by lava - and there’s a new series of ant units which use their carapace to become immune to all terrain effects.

[h2]Battlefield Optimisations[/h2]

While I am happy to tout the new abilities of the pathfinding system, both what it allows adding now and what it allows adding later, the ACTUAL reason I spent all this time reworking the system was because I realised that the old pathfinding took way too much computation time. And that a new system could exist which barely would not become more slow the more units were in play during combat.
The old system calculated pathing for every unit. Mind you, it was rather optimised and fast - every unit did not have to check the position of all enemy units - but still, it was a unit-based pathing system and thus scaled poorly. The new system instead calculates pathing for all units at once. Or said in a different way: Instead of calculating pathing for each unit, it calculates pathing for each tile on the battlefield.
We’ve gone from pathing being the thing costing most processing time during large battles to it now being one of the more minor things. Anyway, after spending all that time building tools to calculate how much processing time is spent on various processes, I was also able to figure out a series of other things that took a lot of processing time during combat. Things such as drawing the coloured shading beneath units, drawing the spellbook and other UI, etc. A lot of this has been optimised now. So not only does combat scale better when there’s a lot of units - it’s also just faster overall.
The graph shown above was just a single step in the large process of finding and fixing processing time sinks - I wish I had a final tally of how faster combat is now, but unfortunately I don’t. The only thing I can say is that it’s really satisfying to now play large combat scenarios on 2x speed and still get around 55-60 fps. I hope everyone else with their various high- or low-spec setups achieve as large a performance improvement as I do - because for my PC, it is vast.
For optimisations from here on out, that’s a more complex issue. One of the largest remaining time sinks is the upkeep of drawing and moving the units each frame.
Anyway, the game is meant to now both allow more units during combat via the new Command stat, as well as actually being able to handle those extra units.

[h2]Updated Graphics[/h2]

A lot of new units are getting updated unit animations in v2.6. This is the result of a long process of Hero’s Hour slowly getting better and better art - and now, it felt like it was time to return to some of the oldest art in the game. This process has been spearheaded by KraftKraken, but also joined by AntRose and DeadSaracen. While their styles are slightly different, I’m proud of the way they each evolve the Hero’s Hour art style.
In total 65 base game units have had their art updated, and 2 Rogue Realms units have had their art updated.
Talking about Rogue Realms, the Rogue Realms rogue towns have also had their graphics updated. Buildings have been moved around to be more tidy, and most rogue unit dwellings have had their graphics overhauled or reworked entirely.

[h2]Better UI and misc. other changes[/h2]

Many UI elements have been updated with new art, making them look and feel better to use. There also various minor improvements, such as being able to close the Level-up window of a hero for later.
Dragonking skill has had a rework, which makes it so that you get dragons earlier if you stay at Rank I. Before, the skill was entirely useless unless you put several points into it. Additionally, you can now choose whether you want to get a single large dragon or several smaller dragons when it triggers, and the dragons themselves become larger with higher ranks.
There are three new music tracks for the overworld.
Unit modding can now use the new modding format, and if you choose to use the new format, new things can be set for the unit, such as whether it can be generated by random effects (making it easier to create technical units for other units’ abilities).

[h2]The Future[/h2]

As everyone has noticed, the pace of updates for the game has slowed down. This might just be how things are now that we’re a couple of years past the game’s release. I don’t plan to stop working on the game, neither for the base game or the Rogue Realms DLC - but I must be honest, there were times during v2.6 development that I was close to giving up.
This update has become way too large and I was unable to carry it on my shoulders. I aim to learn from this and from here on out, start working on smaller updates again. Just a single systems rework per update, let’s say. Maybe this means faster updates. I cannot tell the future.
I am, however, already working on v2.7, and I expect a public beta to be up on steam within the next month. But how long between the first pre-release and full release, only time can tell.
Anyway, here’s a cheers to Hero’s Hour 3rd anniversary, and a cheers to everyone still playing and enjoying the game, as well as the wonderful community and the artists who put so much beautiful stuff into the game.


Some news about modding!

Hi everyone,

In this time of the year, we would like to thank you for another year of continued support. Thank you for your comments, reviews, fan art, and mods that keep the game active!

Thanks to our partner Overwolf, we've been able to add more mods to the game recently.
You can find them through this link: https://www.curseforge.com/heros-hour

Hopefully, this will enable you to have extra fun during the holiday season!

By the way, here's a reminder that if you want to create mods yourself, this manual instructions exists and will help you a ton!
We can't wait to see what you have created!

In the meantime, Hero's Hour is 50% off until January 4th, so it's the perfect occasion to grab it!


Happy holidays! 🎄

PS: We're currently giving away a Steam Deck (drawing in early January). Try your luck here!

Hero's Hour at the Turn-Based Carnival!

Hello everyone,

Exciting news! We're part of the Turn-Based Carnival happening from November 14 to 21, where you can enjoy a whole week of turn-based strategy games.

Participate and come enjoy Hero's Hour!


v2.5.1 Changelog

v2.5.1 patch notes

The game now shows mod loading progress
The game now boots ~0.2 seconds faster (for a speedy computer)
Wild town has the position of Archmage Tribunal and Archives of Magic flipped in their Rogue Realms town tree
Pyre AI now uses the Infernal Gate the same way the player does
Diplomacy now costs at least 100g
Since steam mods don't have their names included anywhere readable by the game, steam mods can now put a file into the topmost folder (next to Factions, Custom Script folders etc) named "name Whatever.txt". If they do so, the game will use that name as the mod's name
20 skill trees have been changed
Adjusted down the speed at which units turn redder by Bloodlust and Enrage
Midas Touch hero skill now also works for bodyguard units
With the Scaling strategy applied during combat, units with Leap now have a much higher rate of jumping over walls during sieges
Changed the tooltip for the new Pearl effect to be less confusing
The 10 mysticism spells are now displayed separately in the Lexicon
Spells in Lexicon now display larger icons and the text is more readable
Lexicon has been optimised
Delirium AI now forms a pact with one of the three available deities after buying Idol of the Three
One more tile of FOW can now be revealed on the right and bottom side of the map, so that the edges are now of even width
New Heroes map description updated to be more accurate
Taming skill now guarantees taming at least one beast per battle (if there is a beast)
You can now give movement orders to heroes during combat separately from the tier 1 units of their faction
Diplomacy now automatically uses the cheapest option that would give the same number of units
Diplomacy will no longer offer ALL defeated units for hire, depending on total number of units, the rank of those units, and the diplomacy skill
Stat bonuses from several townspecific unit stat boosters now apply additively instead of multiplicatively (i.e. several Blood Cells)
When casting Town Portal, clicking a town moves the view to show the location of that town
Fixed incorrect description of Avatar creating hillkeepers when it actually creates grove guards
The colossus is no longer already constructed when capturing neutral towns with it available

[h2]BUG FIXES[/h2]
Fixed a bug that made Academy not take into consideration the skill level of the pupil in the chosen skill
Engaging an enemy army that is so weak that you get offered to skip the fights accidentally awarded the hero 1 movement point
Fixed a crash relating to using spatial rift on a hero that's camped
Fixed several issues relating to using custom scripts that would trigger other custom scripts, such as, for instance, unequipping artifacts
Maybe fixed a bug related to Ring of Bravery which could not be reproduced
Fixed artifact comparison display showing wrong on low resolutions
Fixed position of town tooltip display on different resolutions
Tooltips of artifacts on the map now display the same way as resource tooltips
Fixed a bug that would sometimes give the enemy AI infinite movement points if it made them able to defend their town, and if they had the ability to town portal to it
Fixed Lament being able to use Idol of Shadows via the new shortcut without having built the building
Evolving units will no longer have them appear twice in the combat summary
Fixed a bug that made Infernal Gates work incorrectly during battles where both sides had an Infernal Gate
Fixed a bug that sometimes made timed unit abilities and skills work incorrectly when there was an Infernal Gate on the battle
Fixed Infernal Gate animations being out of sync with their spawning
Fixed Lieutenant heroes being able to deposit their units using Exploitation
Fixed the AI being able to recruit the full enemy army using Diplomacy instead of part of just a single stack
Lexicon now displays things more appropriately on large monitors
Fixed a bug that prevented custom skills from being loaded from mods
Fixed a bug related to the deprecated node map editor
Fixed a bug that made unit losses not count correctly when combining transformation and hex effects on the same group of units
Cartographer now correctly reveals vision also on the minimap
Cartographer now once again only reveals vision around roads
Fixed a bug relating to using the map editor with heroes with Hoard skill and changing the number of players on the map
Necromancy now always gives the same amount of mana when choosing Drain, instead of depending on the chosen unit
Fixed some issues that could cause fleeing units to not take damage when almost having left the map
Fixed a crash related to regenerating lieutenant army units even when not causing a crash, it would make the units regenerate unevenly
Fixed neutral heroes / hidden beasts being able to defend neutral towns
Undead units will no longer be healed by Aura of Light, Cure and Holy Light
Fixed taverns giving heroes that can already be hired elsewhere
Fixed Marshall Statue very often giving duplicate heroes
Fixed water encounters in base game sometimes including units which couldn't swim :(
Changed map generation to reduce the chance of buildings spawning in front of towns
Fixed being unable to disband Avatars
Fixed Avatars showing the wrong portrait in their hero screen UI
Fixed School of Autopsy giving XP in fractional amounts
Fixed a bug that would sometimes make heroes think they could interact with buildings they couldn't, and couldn't interact with buildings they could