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  3. Mini Royale - Upcoming Playtest

Mini Royale - Upcoming Playtest

Here is all you need to know:
Start Date: January 19th at 8:00 PM CET
End Date: January 22th at 6:00 AM CET
Game Modes: Solo, Duo, Trio / First Person, Third Person

Regions Supported:
us-west-1 | N. California
us-east-2 | Ohio
eu-central-1 | Frankfurt
sa-east-1 | Sao Paulo
me-south-1 | Bahrain
ap-south-1 | Mumbai
ap-northeast-2 | Seoul
ap-southeast-1 | Singapur
ap-southeast-2 | Sydney
af-south-1 | Cape Town

We hope its a successful and enjoyable experience for everyone! 🎮

Please consider whishlisting the game if you like it ❤️