1. ColorBlend FX: Desaturation Prologue
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  3. ColorBlend FX: Desaturation Prologue 0.3.0c-pr

ColorBlend FX: Desaturation Prologue 0.3.0c-pr

Hello Splatians.

ColorBlend FX: Desaturation Prologue 0.3.0c-pr foes in sync with internal version 0.3, whish means a lot:

1. The game gots its totally new UI redesign! With all of its bugs and annoyances fixed.
2. Three save slots for you to use
3. All old endless loading bugs are gone,
4. Fixed Slime AIs at various places, but this doesn't mean Slimes will ever be consistent.
5. And the game features new localization system so expect new languages coming soon!