1. ColorBlend FX: Desaturation Prologue
  2. News
  3. ColorBlend FX: Desaturation Prologue 1.0.0b

ColorBlend FX: Desaturation Prologue 1.0.0b

[h3]Hey guys, friends, humans, Splatians and Slimes[/h3]
Some time had passed but lots of things were changed with the development of ColorBlend FX: Desaturation. Yes, the focus is now on the word Desaturation and the game is almost ready!

[h3]About the Release Date?[/h3]
Yes, I've missed the originally intended March 14th and those of you who were waiting for the release, I'm very sorry, but these things tend to happen in this industry. I don't want to give any promise for a release date until I am sure it will happen, but it will be soon. I mean, within next 2 months for sure.

To keep in touch, please join our Discord and follow me on Instagram

What happens now is, however, a huge Prologue update with LOTS of stuff changed. This update is in feature parity with the latest 1.0 beta (Though the Atrium is still not decorated)

[h3]Let's see what's the changelog[/h3]
And I will be honest. 0.3 was so long time ago that I can barely track what was changed, and I should avoid game spoilers too.... So, let's jump in:
  • Removed the Speedrun Mode and the Steam Achievement for it. The final game will feature something else instead this mode. It was made specially for the Prologue, and maintaining it wasn't nessesary. (wait, did I just started with a feature removal? ohhh my bad skills...)
  • More vegetation, more decoration, more props! Makes the game much more alive.
  • Altered the rendering part and post-processing. The game looks a little bit different.
  • Overall polished the levels.
  • All the physics changes are integrated. Though, sprinting still makes you slippery as it's intended - you are a heavy fat potato gnome after all :)
  • Totally new user interface, again!
  • Map has been redesigned for a 38429th time. Don't forget to craft it from the redesigned briefcase.
  • Slime Essence and coins now occupy a slot into the briefcase unlike before.
  • UI navigation was polished, hopefully it don't have any more bugs left.
  • Graphics Settings: Added back the Quality level, with 3 presets.
  • Added some pizzas that were intended to be an April fools day joke but I never managed to release that as a prologue update. You are getting it as an Mid-June Fools instead :D
  • Steam Deck: Fixed some bugs, however, the game still defaults to the built-in controls and not the external ones. I am planning to add Steam Input API support, but releasing the full game is of more priority now. Quality may be degraded a bit on the Deck but that's for the battery and you can always switch to the high quality mode. Enable VRR for better battery savings.

[h3]AND finally the IMPORTANT NEWS:[/h3]
The game is 100% ready as of gameplay. However, I need help - we have very limited budget, so this is a call to my fans to help with localizing the game in some languages.

[h3]ALSO THERE IS A CLOSED BETA available[/h3]
To get more information on how to join our closed beta, Join our Discord and ask PeterSvP directly.

[h3]Help us grow![/h3]
If you like the game and plan to buy it, wishlist the base game, and if not, at least tell your friends and stream/show it to others! Let us defeat Lord Ashen together!