1. Abalon
  2. News
  3. Update #31 1.34.2 Patch #2

Update #31 1.34.2 Patch #2

v1.34.2 Patch Notes
  1. Fixed bug where opening the map and pressing the confirm button (ex: space bar) generated an error. (Thanks Rakaran and Vincent for the repro steps)
  2. Fixed bug where switching the map to a different floor and then attempting to select a cell with the keyboard or controller would generate an error. (Thanks darkmage101_ and Swiftflame)
  3. Fixed bug in Korean translation where attempting to play endless in Survival would lock up the game (Thanks 어거스트)
  4. Fixed bug where starting an adventure could potentially lock the game in an error loop if the final selected card choice isn’t hidden before the title screen is disposed. (Thanks MediocreJoker and Gizmo)

[h3]Ultra High DPI Montiors:[/h3]
I’m still trying to fix the 6K+ monitor resolution issue.
If you have a really high DPI monitor (6K+) and would be willing to help me debug this one, I’d greatly appreciate it!

[h3]Infinite Loading/Black Loading Screen:[/h3]
I’d also love to create a proper fix for the black screen/failed loading issue.
I’ve been unable to reproduce this bug, so ff you’re experiencing this and would be willing to chat with me on Discord, I’m sure I could get it resolved.

Thanks for your continuing feedback and support everyone!
