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  2. News
  3. Patch v1.085 (Main)

Patch v1.085 (Main)

Hi, new people, hope you're enjoying the game so far.

To everyone else, the Knight's very much complete now. All that remains is to fix one terrible bug that makes his weapons visually disappear, and to likely get voice acting.

Though, I am not sure when that will happen. Kind of broke with all the medical bs. Might just end up releasing him as is after fixing that issue. And maybe making a mission.

I've done some testing, my friends say he's fun, but you know, opinions and all, lol.

Here's the changelog for this patch:
- Divergence - Fixed an issue where the game would try to store the score when playing with divergence.
- General - Adjusted the tilting power a bit to ensure it doesn't look too weird at some very sharp turns.
- General - Game will no longer set the main character into the combat state during the pause menu if you press anywhere other than the expected buttons.
- General - Input Buffer can no longer be buffered when the game is paused or you are in some other menu.
- Grindblade - Grindblade now has Super Armor, meaning you will no longer be kicked out of the charging state/animation when charging your attack. This has been done due to the fact that it is hard to pull off on higher difficulties. While it sounds busted at first, keep in mind that you still can be damaged during the animation, it just wouldn't cancel anything you do while charging.
This has been added to the upgrades menu and is unlocked by default.
- Huntress - Adjusted Huntress's style gain in order to ensure that some specific mechanics work as expected.
- Huntress - Improved CPU performance when playing as Huntress by reducing some specific calls from the camera.
- Tower Of Blood - Has been unified. Meaning that now instead of a specific button to join a different ToB, you just have to pick the character via divergence and they'll be loaded in, that should make it easier to adjust balance stuff in the future as it is no longer separated via a different scene.
- Upgrades - Reformatted the upgrades text once again to make it even easier to read.

Known issues -
Two issues, you can read on the below. In addition, you can always check what is being worked on/what's on the todo list below.

If you don't want to check that link above, just know that Sinner Style is going to be reworked. It's just things are done in priority.

If you find any other issues or have some feedback, please report them to me either on Steam Forum, E-mail, or on the stinky discord.
For Discord, it may take time to approve new people due to someone having to sleep. Whichever works best.