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  3. UI update and notes on DLC

UI update and notes on DLC

Over the past couple of months I've been working on DLC for Shadows. Based on current progress it should be released around January, maybe early February.

The DLC focuses on adding an underground layer to the map. The underground is its own map, with slightly fewer locations than the surface level, accessed by travelling down a limited set of connecting links. Initially the domain of your agents as well as the newly introduced Dwarves and new evil species, humanity can discover it and begin colonising it, as can orcs if you guide them through the tunnels. It adds new mechanics for how heroes can discover your actions (certain crimes, including murder, aren't immediately discovered if done underground), as well as stuff for Deep Ones, a Holy Order tenet and a non-underground focused agent.

It'll take some time to balance, and art is begun but not complete, but this should fit with the mid/late January release date.

Unfortunately this has slowed down work on bugfixes, UI improvements and other V1.1 stuff.

Now that underground stuff has its core mechanics mostly working (although no balancing yet done), I've had a couple of days to work on UI, and hopefully I can do some more soon.

Changes in detail:

-If a unit's menace is above its normal value (due to an item, minion or trait) it will be marked with a '(+)' and is hover-over text give its real value
-Locations now have a button to see which heroes and units have that location as a home location
-You can now view a corruptible hero's menace, profile, gold, items and minions from the agent creation screen
-Blood Magic "through their eyes" now indicates which house will be cursed in the description