1. Kokoro Clover Season1
  2. News
  3. Notice of "Ver. 4.0" update for UI modification

Notice of "Ver. 4.0" update for UI modification

We plan to update the game around March or April 2024, mainly for the purpose of revamping the UI of the game as a whole.
After the update, the game will be labeled "Ver. 4.0".

Major changes to the overall game
Changes to the UI.

Main changes in the story mode
UI changes.
Some of the direction has been changed.
The time is displayed in the upper left corner of the screen even during boss battles.
Adjustment of the scene that had been taken measures against crashes.

Action changes
UI changes.

Changed so that "Cheer" of "Cards" can be activated at any time.
Changed so that "Special Moves" of "Card" can be activated when the cost of "Assists" is the maximum. (When activated, the cost becomes 0.)
The number of "Sets" was adjusted from "5" to "4".

*Please note that the contents of the update are subject to change.