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Microcivilization News

Nemeses & Predicaments


it feels as if the last update was just a few days back. Spring days are flying by with incredible speed. There's plenty of new things added to 0.8 but mainly we're going to take a look at the new update to the Adversary system (formerly Crisis system, but there are now more entities to this than Crises, hence a new buzz-word is needed). Also I'll share some quick info about the upcoming v0.8 beta.


As you may already know, the existing Crisis system is somewhat 'temporary'. Not that it would be completely changed, but a lot of features are a bit forcibly simplified. A lot of feedback mentioned a wish for more variability in combat and additional/better progression in difficulty.

Nemeses system is a new feature which should eventually address both. What is a Nemesis? Nemesis is a unique type of crisis similar to existing 'Era' Crises that you combat every 7 technological levels but with a few differences.

The first difference is that each Nemesis crisis is repeatable. As soon as you Unleash the nemesis (more on this later) it will repeatedly be triggered every 5 minutes or so, depending on the outcome of the battle.

Second difference is, that each Nemesis is Invincible. Invincible crises cannot be reduced below 50% HP until a specific condition is satisfied (that differs per each Nemesis, and may eventually differ per each Civilisation run). For instance, when you Unleash the Smallpox Nemesis, you may need to reach a specific amount of Research per second in order to dispel its invulnerability.

Third difference is that Nemeses will only be available on Rare technologies. Rare technologies are a new Feature unlocked in Ascension tree. Each run there is only one Rare technology appearing somewhere in your technology tree, offering massive benefits but also some drawback. A Nemesis Lock will precede each Rare technology, Unleashing that Nemesis as soon as the Lock is Open.

Tech tree now conceals which technologies are behind Locks (and you will have the ability to circumvent that - though not for free). As tech tree progresses, this will open new mechanics to plan your way through if you are looking for speed or safety.

[h2]How do I fight invincible Crisis?[/h2]

For a good part of every run, player will have no means to destroy a Nemesis. The only option is to 'survive'. That can be achieved by usual Fort-everything strategy. Alternatively players will also be able to scare-away the crisis with use of Units. The mechanics here works a bit different than with normal 'mortal' crises.

When you reduce an Invincible Crisis to it's 50% HP, each successive attack will (instead of reducing HP) exhaust one Crisis' attack. When all are exhausted, the crisis disappears (as if waited out).

Only after the Nemesis' Invincibility Condition is satisfied, can you reduce the Nemesis HP to zero, thus removing it from the current Civilization run.

Fun fact: Although there are several hypotheses Smallpox may have co-developed into the severe form between rodents and their best friends - the farming humans about 3000 - 4000 years ago. Luckily in 1977 after a 19-year process, a vaccination campaign eliminated the disease from the whole planet. The cost estimates ~1.3 Billion USD in today's dollars (so about the cost of the GPT5 training) for the eradication of Smallpox, saving ~15 Million people from death every year since.

[h2]How many Nemeses are there[/h2]

The v0.8 will only contain three Nemeses: The Huns, The Smallpox and The Inquisition. Each randomly spawning in your Tech tree after unlocking Rare Technologies ascension. Both the Nemesis system and Rare technologies concept are still 'much beta' and it depends on future beta testing, where the whole complex of features is going to move.

New Technology tree is overall progressing in difficulty with new Eras unlocked. Rare technologies will introduce Nemeses after Renaissance era. Other ascensions were also re-grouped to make more sense progression-wise. For instance Auto-skills are accessed in an early branch right behind Stonehenge while Hero recipes can be unlocked from a shared cluster rather than being spread across the tree.


It would be pity if this was all the new trouble coming our way in Microcivilization in v0.8. The next feature is something that would best be described as 'abstraction' of the existing Storm debuff.

As you may have experienced yourself, the Storm debuff (currently available on Babel tower scenario or via Hanging Gardens trait) is a bit of a lonely feature, having little alternative debuffs or any deeper integration with the rest of the game. Have no fear. In v0.8 anyone can have their own storm free of charge. And also Rats, Drought and Industrial Pollution.

[h2]Debuffs to ruin your day[/h2]
This is exactly what this is about. A set of debuffs (for the moment let's call them Disasters) which will amplify any Crisis you face while they're active.

Storm used to add unblockable attacks. It still does. But it also amplifies any Crisis risk in the meantime between Crises.

Rats will add Damage-per-second attacks to new Crises and create a flat Disease Risk.

Drought will ruin your food production and will make all Crises HP bigger.

Industrial pollution will be your best friend however. It increases fire risk and prevents you from constructing anything during a crisis.

Combining multiple Disasters at the same time is possible, though not recommended.

[h2]Predicaments turning into Disasters[/h2]
How does one get a Disaster? Randomly? No. In Microcivilization I believe that the player's action should be the ultimate root cause of everything that happens. No flat % chance of tornadoes here.

Instead, we now have a feature called Predicament. It is a sibling to the 'crisis risk' feature we already know. The major difference is that a Predicament is a certainty that a problem will happen. You just don't know when or what that problem will be. How does that work?

All this leads back to our new Technology tree again. Same way you can unleash Nemesis before starting a research, you can unleash a Predicament debuff. So yay, all of your misery will be effectively self-inflicted.

Predicaments are illustrated as a time-bomb triggered by new technology and they're exactly that. Who knew that leeching gold ore with cyanide atop the hill might eliminate all fish in the rivers in 2 years.

Instead of having a % change of triggering a Disaster, each predicament debuff has a specific Time when that predicament 'explodes' and 'turns into' a Disaster. The time is between 1 minute and 1 hour. (There are going to be ways to find out what the predicament time is).

Of course, there will be other ways to receive a specific disaster (A Nemesis may for instance grant a Disaster debuff directly as one of it's Ultra-Attacks)

[h2]How does this work together with Crises?[/h2]

The long 'time-bomb' period of Predicament means you cannot easily wait them out. You will be forced to move on with the Damocles bombs ticking above your head, risking to end up with a swarm of would-be-easy Crises becoming insane unblockable aggressive ninja Crises with piranhas and locusts swarms. If that isn't fun, I don't know what is...

But don't worry, predicaments don't start appearing until Medieval era. The initial variants should be relatively soft and scarce. Only as you progress further down the ascension tree should the amount of bombs grow and turn into a problem worth considering.

As with Nemeses, this is just a first version. We'll see what direction to evolve the Disaster/Predicament feature.


All the above features are revolving around the new 'Lock' system that precedes technologies in your tech tree. This lock system is currently very generic and may change significantly in the future. However one trick was added to help players overcome some of the more challenging Locks, like the mentioned nemeses or predicaments.

Secrets are a new resource, which you can gain by some updated Tribal-Village Dilemma cards or simply from a few selected technologies in the tech tree. Secrets can be used from within the tech tree to force unlock any Lock, without triggering it's effect of having to satisfy the locks' condition (in case of locks like 'complete 3 quests')

With secrets you have some way to strategize your path through the Tech Tree. With Locks and Tribal villages being randomized each Civilization, you may need to change approach each time to get to the later era faster.

In case you're looking for a precise and less stressful play style, stocking on Secrets and using them up to work around Nemeses and Predicaments is the strategy you may want to apply.

When is Beta going to open

Majority of the work in the past month was testing and balancing. There's still a number of bugs to be solved, playtesting to do (especially late-game and AFK play) and some artwork to be made.

However it feels that the code stability and feature coverage is where I expected it to be back in my last update, so I can safely say that the Beta will be opened before the end of May. I'll issue an announcement as soon as that happens.

Away time calculation is starting to look more stable. This is example of the loading screen indicating which rewards your civilization would get, if you accept 20 hours of away time. In the beginning it seems my Civ managed to repel all crises, winning over 80% of fights. But then probably succumbed to some rare fore. So now I can now chose to Accept that to get 21 heroes, along with a beefy 400% drop-rate bonus and 2 Gold Lotuses for the price of having to rebuild the civilization from scratch. Or I can instead load the game as it was when I left the pc yesterday...

Roadmap changes

I have made a few adjustments to the Roadmap to reflect the existing situation a bit better. Overall there are no major delays regarding 0.8 (should get released early June if beta goes OK) or 0.9 (likely by the end of Q3)

I am however starting to suspect that formal 1.0 release date will be affected by Soundtrack work (I have made a different - bigger - plan for Soundtrack) and eventually some artwork features required for Tiers 2,3 and 4. I have been considering doing most of these as Content Updates past 1.0 but for some features i begin to find it make less and less sense. To be transparent about this uncertainty I have stretched the possible 1.0 across Q1 and Q2 2025.

For various reasons I am postponing work on soundtrack to not affect the critical versions 0.8 and 0.9. But like I said in one of previous updates - music is a difficult piece of work to estimate for me and it's quite likely I won't resist the urge to spend more time on this than absolutely necessary :)

This is all I wanted to share for now. Have a nice day.


Autonomy upgrade


I hope you all had a good month. It's been very productive time for Microcivilization's 0.8 build. With all the new features added to the system, it has come to integrate them all together into a sensible gameplay progression. In this update I'll share more details about some of these new features and how they are (likely) going to connect with the rest of the game you already know.

Many new features are unlocked with new ascensions roughly arriving around second half of current gameplay. As a result I had to stretch the tree out a bit.

[h2]Autonomy resource[/h2]
As I mentioned in my previous update the Autonomy resource will go through a complete redesign. The general idea is to use Autonomy as a 'mana pool' to do stuff. Pretty much like Gold is now used. However there's a significant difference between the two resources. First it should actually be explained what the Autonomy represents in-game.

[h2]Why do we want Autonomy?[/h2]
First, let's consider why we need a resource like this in the first place. What gameplay style does this resouce even aims to reinforce?

The idea behind autonomy is to let players choose somewhere between these extremes:

Option 1 - a government strictly protecting and guiding its people through the struggles of the world. With the player being the wise all-knowing hand that rewards, protects and disciplines its faithful population who hardly know what is good for them and would otherwise end-up as hedonistic cannibal heretics ever-struggling in petty internal clashes. Who else than the player to show them a way to civilized society...

Option 2 - a government that promotes individual merit, personal freedoms and admitting that no single ruler knows more than the massive experience of community, the player guides their population into independence, self-sustainability and self-governance where everyone's voice is heard and no-one is left behind...

Sweet huh? Well unless things go sideways and option 1 ends up with a totalitarian dictatorship, purges and slave camps (more on that in future updates) or if option 2 ends up with a collapse of control and a coup leading to an orwellian animal-farm version of option 1. So there's the gameplay 'we all want and love'...

[h2]What is Autonomy[/h2]
The resource itself represents the ability and will of your micro-population to govern and act on their own impulse. Mathematically:

Let P be a total number of your Population.
Then let Autonomy A be a number of P who are not complete gullible uneducated ignorants.

Armed with this foolproof definition we can now clearly see what autonomy would offer us as benefits and at the same time as potential problems.

[h2]The bad news[/h2]
As per the definition, autonomy will be representing some kind of attribute belonging to your population. For that reason autonomy will strictly by capped by the amount of your Pop size. You can't have more independent-thinkers than you have actual people right?

This constraint alone will make autonomy rather hard to get, especially in large and fast-growing empires. Roughly speaking a single point of autonomy will be about as valuable as two gold coins. Considering the population in level 40+ can reach into a million, this makes growing fully independent society a long term goal.

With new system a new breakdown details. This time it will be necessary to provide cross-linked information of what is boosted by autonomy and why.

The other bad news, is that each single death will cause a loss of two autonomy points. People get scared. And their will usually then turns to prioritizing their own family survival, than the benefits of others. Forcing out legion of unarmed militia to fend off invaders may quickly ruin the self-governance ability of the democratic society and create a need for your authority to help get them back on their feet (or on their knees if you choose).

[h2]The good news[/h2]

Other than by population loss, Autonomy will not drop unless you say so. Only by using (or abusing) your population's will you spend the hard-earned autonomy resource. Is that a good idea or bad idea? Depends.

Autonomy will provide not only a mana-pool to use special abilities, but also a set of passive bonuses.
Since autonomy is scaling with population, these benefits will also scale with population. This single reason can potentially make all 'autonomy provision' benefits far more powerful than existing resource progression provided by workshops.

For instance earning +1 Stone per 1000 Autonomy points could easily grow to a +1000 stone in modern era (which is huge even if this is added as a flat bonus not boosted with +% modifiers). Therefore some of these benefits will not be easy to get. Some will only be accessible through Wonders or Unique heroes with complementary down-sides.

One of the basic autonomy skills is a boost to your Militia cap and charging speed. If all goes wrong, sacrificing your passive bonuses to gain extra counter-crisis capability can be strategically wise desicision. Keep in mind that Militia also causes direct death and thus more autonomy loss.

Compared to gold, population and free housing, autonomy will not have any beyond-limit penalty so you can stay on Max autonomy all the time with no extra risk. (exceptions will exist, more on this in the future). Same as before autonomy points are used by auto-combat, auto-click and auto-construction skills however their cost is now represented always a X per second to allow long-term calculation for AFK play.

Another good news is that autonomy will be feeding into a number of other late-game mechanisms mostly to those available on Blue faction heroes. Overall you will have to make a decision whether to keep your autonomy up for passive bonuses, or use-up the autonomy on abilities that may prevent you falling to the next upcoming crisis.

[h2]Library and Theater[/h2]

With the new autonomy mechanisms tied to other parts of the game, Theater and Library can now be turned into their originally intended roles as main workshops of autonomy flow.

Similar to other resource workshops, Library will be the main source of autonomy points. Representing the practical education of society, library feels to be the natural choice to drive autonomy spread and a 'vertical' improvement of your population. The active charge power of Library is now modelled in the same way as Marketplace - turning other charges into autonomy surge. This creates a bit of symmetry between those two workshops.

Caps & Recharge speed of workshops is now using similar mechanic with military units so there was a small unification of the UI display of the recharge in progress so that both systems use the same philosophy and numerical representation.

Theater stays to be the only workshop providing you with permanent value - Heroes. However with economy of gold and autonomy in place, it can be properly tied to Marketplace and Library to form up a combo. Theater will now have independent rolls for hero and corruption drops, so it will not be a guarantee to always end up with one. It will also be possible to scale up its charge cap, recharge rate and allow dropping of unique heroes.

To compensate for all that, theater will be the only workshop which passively consumes resources instead of providing them (gold and autonomy in this case). This places Theater sort-of to the top of the food chain of your economy.

[h2]Other changes[/h2]

[h3]Automation Skills moved to ascension[/h3]
After much consideration, core automation skills - Auto-Construction and Auto-Combat have been moved off to Ascension tree. That means they can now be unlocked at any point and used regardless of your hero setup. The previous setup, where only Blue hero faction had this ability proved to be too limiting and prone to re-equipping. It is still planned to keep Blue faction specialized for autonomous play, but having removed the skills themselves, opens more flexibility to combining blue faction with other colors. After all it is not intended to reward single faction builds, but instead promote multi-color builds.

[h3]Research queue[/h3]
Research can now be queued. So you can select any tech available down the line and they will automatically get switched as they are finished researching. With several new decisions to be done in tech tree during gameplay, auto research has become a rather tricky problem to solve - similar to automatic world-map expansion.

So for now neither of those two (auto research or auto quests) will exist. When the system gets more mature, those two autoskills will probably appear. For now research queue should solve the tediousness of repetitive runs.

[h3]New Corruptions[/h3]
New features mean new punishments. Main mechanism for punishing the player are Corruptions. So far there have only been a few trivial Corruptions that are 'generally bad debuffs' but nothing to really strategize about. The new version will introduce new Corruptions which will provide a very distinct punishment to one of your economic aspect, but also provide an option to turn another aspect to a benefit.

The first new Corruption will be Despotism (Leader-specific corruption) with a unique ability that hides all risks from you, while providing resources based on lack of Autonomy.
The other will be Fanaticism, which will (among other effects) penalize Research while gaining of rush of Autonomy from free workers.

[h3]Charge cap[/h3]
Until now, workshop charges were scaling up with upgrade levels. With the new system it is possible to scale workshop cap with Hero traits. In fact the Blue faction can now specialize on Workshop Cap increase. This will enable hoarding of resources through period of AFK play mostly. This also opens the door to other features planned for the future tiers.

A tiny bit of update on Workshop hover details was necessary to include all traits that boost the workshop from other sources (e.g. from map tiles or from autonomy)

[h3]Militia upgrades[/h3]
Militia is the main unit tied to the autonomy for obvious reasons. Militia has therefore been updated to increase in power with technologies in the same way other units do. Militia cap, damage and recharge rates will also be subject to various new abilities revolving around Blue faction and Autonomy resource.

[h3]Black Lotus redesign[/h3]
Black lotus now has it's fate determined for the future tiers. The original plan was a bit more modest than the new plan (which I don't want to share yet). However the difficult decision was to change existing black lotus behaviour for Tier 1 entirely.

From now on, each Black lotus will destroy a Gold lotus you gained in the same scenario. Thus if you earn 10 Gold Lotuses, but due to high amount of deaths you also acquire 3 black lotuses, you'll only end up with 7 Gold lotuses. Black lotuses are not preserved (at least not in ascension tier 1).

A few details are added to ascension screen to explain black lotus calculation. Scoring is still old and will change after balancing is done in the next couple of weeks.

That in essence makes black lotus a pure punishment as opposed to before, when it could be also used as a 'consolation prize' to unlock certain abilities. Along this line, the rules of obtaining Black lotus will also change. There will be more lucrative ways to gain Black lotus for different short-term survivability benefits (and vice versa).

To share a few spoilers though, previous mechanism where Black lotuses are gained as a resource and used to obtain new ascension will reappear later. Black lotus' role will be one of the central moving pieces of the ascension tree after the Babel tower scenario together with the emergence of other Lotus types.

[h2]What's next[/h2]
The existing version 0.8 now has all new features programmed into the system. Those features are not fully tested, and far from 'variated' (for instance we will need more corruptions, more new crises and a plenty of new technologies in the tech tree). Also all the new features will have to go through balancing, so that the player experience progresses as expected.

This 0.8 version is probably going to be the biggest update of the early access phase in terms of 'things impacted'. So the balancing and testing phases may in fact be longer than I estimated. Still my plan so far looks realistic to reach beta in May. The sheer complexity of the 0.8 features cross-dependency is also one of the reasons I failed to deliver the planned 0.7 patch supporting cloud saves (the cost of switching context for that update would be very counter-productive). But hopefully I'll get to this patch as soon we're closing to the beta (possibly merging the cloud saves support with 0.8 - but nothing is decided yet)

Next time I hope to share more details about the new adversary concepts that will accompany crises beginning from mid-game and will introduce some more challenges to the player. Also hopefully to show the final look of the v0.8 tech tree.

See you,


Three Ascension tiers are not enough


Another four weeks are gone and now would be the time I would share all the news I have, But this time it will have to be different. There's a lot of things I can't yet share. But I'll give you some sneak peek what this is all about.

The Ascension tiers 2, 3, 4 and 5

The first topic I want to touch is the future of ascension tree. In the past I only hinted a few details about this. The main reason is that I was never very sure how exactly the tree will be extrapolated. Will there be a new mechanic on tier 2 or tier 3 or both? Will there be one new type of lotus or more than 1? Will they all have different mechanics? How is the Black lotus going to come into play? How many Tiers will there be? What Scenarios will be between future tiers? What connections will there be between the scenarios? How is difficulty going to scale? Many questions are still unanswered but some had to be answered a few days back.

Originally I planned a 3 tier ascension tree. Because 3 is a nice number. There was never a reason why exactly three. After finishing a few books and spending a few days with a virtual whiteboard I came up with some ideas and realised we need one more.

Current plan (and I am 90% sure the plan will still evolve) is to separate the ascension tree into 4 tiers, each concluded by a scenario similar to the Babel tower. As you will progress through higher tiers, the hero level will continue to rise approximately ~50 levels per tier, thus leading up to level ~200. My expectation is that each tier would have roughly same game length as the first tier. However there are updates planned for the first tier as well and a potentially a number of optional 'grind' time. So this is hard to estimate.

These tiers would each introduce a new core mechanic to the game. That could be a new type of lotus awarded for different achievements. That may be a new type of problems your civilisations will have to face. That may also include transformation of existing concept into something more complex. This can be all above at once. I have specific ideas but for now I won't share any spoilers.

The fifth tier is where this vision ends. There's no specific decision for tier 5 yet. One option is the Tier 5 is not going to make it to version 1.0 and will be done later. Another option is that tier 5 will be created as a simple endless feature and will be incrementally improved over post-1.0 content updates. But for now it is outside my perspective.

Dynamic Research

In my last update I mentioned the new Dynamic technology tree. Tech tree was an ancient piece of code in the game and it was in bad need of cleanup and upgrade. The good news is that this is done and as a result I now have the following capabilities:
  1. Add 'accidental' technologies to the tree on-the-fly (for instance by discovering a rare technology from a tribal village). Hello medieval penicilin.
  2. Can make accidental technologies permanently available (through ascensions for instance) thus creating a new meta-progress.
  3. Can in theory make Unique Heroes or Wonders unlock otherwise unavailable technology
  4. Can end the tree with endlessly generated list of random technologies
  5. Can have optional branches so that you no longer have to research nearly everything every time
  6. Can skip certain workshop levels or units as part of 'tech rush' strategy
  7. Can modify existing technologies through ascensions (yes you're probably scratching your head 'how does THAT make sense')
  8. Can 'forbid' a technology from research
  9. Can block any technology branch by a 'gate' similar to how current era bosses work.
  10. Technology gates can be arbitrary - for instance a tech can be locked until a certain map tile is upgraded or a foreign tribe is found
  11. We can use a new resource to open any tech gate. A sort of a 'wild card'
  12. We can get make the Star Bonuses dynamic every run
  13. We can also replace or mix bonuses system with the gate system

The bad news here that all the above are just 'options'. Whether or not I chose to use some of them or none is yet to be decided. At the moment it is not clear which features will be advantageous and which ones would end up being just an unnecessary frustration to the players. For the moment the biggest advantage is to have all those options available until an opportunity presents itself to use them as a solution to an actual problem. So for the next month's work I decided to swap to the second area of focus.

Autonomy redesign

This is simple. Autonomy resource is currently very limited in use. We need to give it a significant 'face-lift'. The general idea is to follow the same logic as the Gold update had. Just do everything a little differently.

[h2]Autonomy shop[/h2]
As with Gold, Autonomy will get it's unique skills unlocked by both technology as well as by Heroes/Wonders. Those abilities will be accessible via it's own Shop screen and will use the same User interface principles - Trigger abilities and Toggle abilities.

This new concept will include existing automation skills of course. However the skills will have to go through a bit of redesign first. Additionally there's a number of policy skills that will give player more abilities at their disposal and will also make use of the population number itself (as opposed to using Workers as the sole economical unit).

As with gold, autonomy will work as a 'mana' resource to spend on abilities.

[h2]Connection to ascension tiers[/h2]
In addition to above, Autonomy is planned to be more deeply embedded into other game features. But for simplicity's sake those features will not manifest themselves until later through the game. This ties to the new planned mechanics unlocked in ascension tiers 2,3 and 4.

[h2]Theater and Library redesign[/h2]

There is no coincidence that Research and Autonomy are being redesigned together. This all stems from the need to provide a meaningful function to the workshops that specialize on these two mechanics.

Theater as is now is providing a too easy way to create trash heroes with little cost. At the same time it doesnt provide a very meaningful passive ability unless you use Autonomy skills heavily. Library is relatively OK, but doesnt provide any 'significant' mechanic for the player. So as part of the upcoming update, both of these workshops will be updated and rebalanced.

One of the fundamental features left out from the game on early access release day was AFK play. This is the feature that you know from Idle games, that lets you complete a lengthy projects over a real-life night. That is, when the game gets loaded next day, you are able to use that idle time the game was off to your advantage. (basically the game will check how long it was off, and then fast-forwards the game world to the future)

This feature was there for November release but was problematic and therefore has been disabled. Finally it has been turned back on and is now being thoroughly tested. I'll share more details about this when the final version is ready for beta test. Will have to also run more performance tests on lower-spec machines.

For now however let me repeat what I said back before that this AFK feature will not be a mandatory thing. I am perfectly aware that not every time you can spend time to prepare your civilization for 48 hours of complete autonomy. So there's always going to be a choice to not skip 'to the future'. The Idle play should be just one of the play styles of this game. One that you can entirely skip if you choose to.

New Roadmap version

As part of some of the changes and decisions around Research tree I had to adjust the plan a little bit. About 2 weeks of extra work (features I did not want to do at all now seem more attractive to do) was added to the last plan's version and another 2 weeks were lost mostly to being sick.

You can check the new roadmap here.
As usual I keep the original roadmap versions in separate tabs - so you can see what the plan looked like earlier.
The main outcome is that version 0.8 (new research and autonomy) will not be finished completely within Q1 and so will most likely get into beta near the end of May.

That's about it. See you next time.


Opulent wealth, Mercenaries, Stone Trading and more

After many weeks, thanks to your help with beta testing, the first major content update to Microcivilization is finally here. As usual please report any bugs either to discord or email them to [email protected]

Check out the community for any troubleshooting guides or frequently asked questions.

Have fun,


What is included in 0.7?

Many details were described here and here

We don't yet have embedded patchnotes in the game, so here's the aggregated list

[h3]Version features up to version 0.7.12[/h3]
  • Added generic Purple heroes
  • Redesigned Purple hero Governments (those that were available on Unique heroes like Hammurabi)
  • Hero traits can no longer repeat twice on the same hero (each trait on newly dropped heroes will be different).
  • Some Hero Traits now drop based on level (more complex hero traits are unlocked in later Eras or dropped from higher level crises)
  • Added a small number of other generic traits to various factions and tweaked overall chances and numbers.
  • Law heroes no longer increase food production, instead they improve sustainment (the amount of food eaten). This affects also heroes dropped in older version of the game. The effect should cause slightly less troubles with food spikes after civilization fall on higher levels.
  • Added secondary traits to existing unique heroes (plus an overall rebalance round). Enjoy some of them to be a bit OP now until new crisis update comes.
  • Added Slow, Bolster, Ferocity, Patronage, Mercenaries Skills available to higher-level Purple Heroes. Sixth Hero Skill planned 'War Bonds' skill was to be added as well, but is suspended for now - turned out to be likely affected by major update around Autonomy, so will be added later.
  • Added Festival and Acquire bullion Technology Skills (unlockable by techs)
  • Heroes can now be previewed on the main screen and discarded or equipped right from the main screen.
  • Destroying Low level crises with High level hero culture will now tend to drop hero essence instead of low level heroes (preventing hero clutter). Essences stop dropping the closer your crisis is to your culture level (i.e. maximum hero level in your inventory).*]
  • Added new recipe available early on for rerolling rare heroes.
  • Culture Essence resources gained from salvage are now proportional to level. You'll end up having a lot more of this resource than before - recipees have been made more expensive accordingly.
  • Heroes can be marked as Favorite to avoid getting accidentally salvaged or sorted
  • Added soft cap for Gold with its own mechanism and progression
  • Marketplace now transofrms unused material to gold instead of generating gold directly. 'Sell' Projects have been removed from the game.
  • Added gold cost discount mechanism
  • Added Trade Routes
  • Added Foreign Civilizations tiles which can boost trade route magnitude when allied, or directly boost your resource production when conquerred
  • Barbarians Tile no longer convert to Village, Instead they convert to a new Trading Post Tile increasing marketplace gold input
  • Added Highlands Tile to boost gold capacity or heavy unit capacity
  • Added Colossus wonder which can greatly reduce Crisis health by its ability.
  • Added Great library wonder which can turn gold into research, (and has a tendency to catch fire).
  • Added Hanging gardens wonder which improves Hero Drop rate significantly but gives a chance of Storm debuff.
  • Due to new ways to combo Metal production and Heavy units, Eiffel tower was nerfed number-wise and made more expensive to build (being a late-tier wonder it will need additional rebalancing as soon as more late game featues are added in future updates)
  • Fire and Plague risks are now dependent on the size of your civilization population as well as technological level (for instance 1000 vagabonds are less of a risk in modern era than the same 1000 vagabonds in classical era). This should suppress the chance of sprialing into disease crisis loop after civilization fall.
  • Flipped Buy and Exit button colors on ascension shop in attempt to prevent people to accidentally exit instead of buying.
  • Added Reset button to main menu in case they do anyway

[h3]0.7.13 Patch[/h3]
  • Pyramids now charge from any Gold expense.
  • Stone (as per the some very old versions) is now more expensive per unit when importing than wood. This concept was incorrectly left out in the previous version but is essential for some of the future changes so it was returned back. Actual numbers will change, but Materials will differ - due to cargo volume and transportation limits.
  • Quest material rewards have slightly been lowered (mostly affecting the village gold reward which did use 'natural' 1:10 gold-resource conversion)
  • Heroes can now be previewed when game is paused
  • Autoclick should now correctly process even higher clicks/s than 10.
  • After doing some extensive late-night statistical calculations with lit candles and Excel I managed to define the proper constraints for hero drops, leading to increase of the Unique/Rare drop rate.

[h3]0.7.14 Patch[/h3]
  • Great Library now requires basic Library to be built. If library gets destroyed, Great library needs to be rebuilt afterwards also.
  • Great Library can no longer be used during an end-of-era boss fight to circumvent it's research block.
  • Acquire Bullion skill was disabled for the time being. An alternative method of acquiring gold reserve is planned for future map update. We will see if a temporary solution like Bullion skill will be necessary (if so, the bullion skill will be reintroduced with a better mechanism).
  • Gold milestones for obtaining Lotuses during ascension was adjusted to the new gold capacity volumes.
  • Civilizations on the Map now have correct looks in Industrial and Modern Eras.
  • Click heat indicator no longer showing decimal-point numbers in certain situations.
  • Festival is now unlocked a bit later in the game with Money technology.

[h3]0.7.15 & 0.7.16 Patch[/h3]
  • Moved festival again to Copper tech as Money was rather late to unlock the ability
  • Fixed some tutorial messages regarding new ability buttons
  • Fixed shop button visibility when Gold at 0
  • Fixed Minor popup issues when switching screen while having a popup or hover text open

Dynamic Research sneak peek


after another 4 weeks, it's time for a little update. This time I'll talk about some dates for v0.7 release, and then give a brief peek into what's brewing for the distant update of v0.8 and v0.9.

Version 0.7

Beta has been running for 3 weeks now with some useful feedback and surprisingly less negative feedback than expected. So I believe it's now time to think about releasing the 0.7 it to the wild nature.

[h3]When is 0.7 coming?[/h3]

While you can play 0.7 in beta already (as described here), the full release is expected to happen roughly in a week. In it you can expect all the features mentioned in previous posts.

[h3]Is current 0.7 final?[/h3]
No. There is still one patch in queue to be released early this week with some minor changes. Probably today or tomorrow (Feb 19th or 20th). There will be some feature fixes/redesigns/rebalancing from the beta feedback, though obviously not all of those can be processed as a 'patch'. Some of the feedback will require a more careful processing due to dependence on other features in plan. But generally speaking 0.7 is final in terms of the content (e.g. no more heroes or new features are planned at the moment)

[h3]Are the promised Cloud saves coming in 0.7?'[/h3]
While the Cloud saves are the next priority for update, I have not yet decided if they come as an independent patch for 0.7 or along with some additional 'technical' features or even with full game features.

I am currently more inclined to build something like a 'minor technical update' where I would pack together multiple 'non-business features' at once. For instance those candidates are:

  • resolution support,
  • save compression,
  • optimisations for lower spec CPUs
  • cloud saves support
  • first iteration of text externalisation (for translations)

This is a pretty long list so it still needs some careful planning and time-boxing (optimisation itself is an enjoyable process that can take months if not constrained).

What am I working on right now?

These past weeks are filled with diverse tasks around the 0.7 patching but nevertheless there are two areas where I focus on the upcoming new features as well.

[h2]#1 - Music[/h2]
After about 4 months break I have resumed working on the Soundtrack and have began digging deeper into composition theory. The difference between music and pixelart/programming is that I am very new to this world (read: can't read/write notes or play any instrument) and completely unable to estimate the work needed. Nevertheless music is probably the most fun of all game-making processes, which is why I decided not to outsource this to a professional.

So far Microcivilization's soundtrack has something like 10 minutes overall - about 5% length of what I would like the soundtrack to be for the full game. So for this reason I restarted this activity as soon as I could after Early Access release. I can't tell what the soundtrack will be like for 1.0 and if it even will be full at that time. But this is a very long journey...

My plan is to add music tracks one or two at a time, as part of future major updates - probably starting with version 0.9. There is a plenty of styles to learn for different historical eras, so a lot of experimenting and lot of theory as well. And so for the time being we'll be stuck with just the humble 3 in game tracks.

[h2]#2 - Dynamic Research system[/h2]
Research update is aimed at providing the variability framework for future gameplay (e.g. more ascension tiers). It is best to come before any other planned big features, since everything else depends on tech tree and it's mechanisms. With great demand for run variability I decided to prioritise this build even before promised AFK and autonomy upgrade.

Also the Tech tree is one of the oldest code components and is contaminated with a significant tech-debt (ironically). So it makes a lot of sense to replace some dirty fixes with proper design to prevent future slow-down.

[h3]Changing Tree[/h3]
The first most important change is making the technology tree change with each run. Planned features include Rare technologies only discoverable under certain conditions. The tree's branching would become semi-randomised as well. This will also enable endless research technologies at the end of available era, although the specific of these is yet only vaguely designed. But it's good to have a possibility for it.

[h3]Major/Minor techs[/h3]
To make planning your research more sensible Technologies would be separated into Minor and Major. Minor techs will provide a single small bonus while Major techs will provide a number of bonuses as well as unlock multiple new units or buildings. In combination with randomised branching this will let players focus on certain branches first based on their current culture build.

[h3]Redesigned Bonus system[/h3]
The current bonus system (the objectives indicated with the Star icon) will be completely reworked and integrated with the new tech tree features. Bonuses will also become randomised.

Some technologies will not be achievable without prior investment elsewhere. There are going to be locks/gates (I have not settled on the name yet) which will require a certain condition, activity or resource to unlock the given technology (i.e. there will be different gates, also randomly generated each run).

[h3]More Crises and problems[/h3]
At the same time, some technologies will cause specific unique problems. As an example I plan to introduce Plague and Industrial Pollution. This is not necessarily going to be a new Crisis, instead there's a new small mechanism I am experimenting with at the moment.
That should introduce some new Fun (trademark by dwarf fortress)

Early mockup for the new randomized tech tree structure with static 'spine' techs, minor techs, major techs, rare tech and late-game upgraded tech.

In summary the Research Update is aimed at thes objectives:
  1. Offer players a long term reward for well planned exploitation of the tech tree each round - there will be good and bad decisions what to research when and sometimes mutually exclusive choices.
  2. Turn research tree from a static 'progress bar' into essentially an exploitable place with opporunity for perma-upgrades
  3. Offer more challenges along the research and thus more risk management decisions.
  4. Steer the player occasionally to benefit from different playstyle in order to unlock a special new feature.
  5. Enable future expansions to the tech tree - e.g. growing the tree in all directions by unlocking ascensions, changing/upgrading individual technologies or regressing technologies (through dogmas etc.)

[h3]When is new Research coming[/h3]
As I mentioned above there a few more things to tackle first. Number one is patching 0.7 for the releasable version. Then comes the actual 0.7 release to the public branch. After this comes the promised Cloud Save support (optionally with other features along that). Only after all the above are done will the focus fully switch to the new Research update. So optimistically I am looking at first part of Q2 (e.g. April) for the new Research tree to come to Beta and public branch.

Thats all for today.

See you soon,
