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  3. Power of the Gods Part 4: Inari

Power of the Gods Part 4: Inari

Hey everyone,

I'm stoked to be bringing back this mini-series to deep dive into our fourth god, Inari! She is the Japanese god of rice cultivation and prosperity, and we'll be covering off some of the new features that make her unique...

[h3]Inari's starting abilities are:[/h3]

When you apply WET to an enemy in Winter, you also apply that many stacks of FROZEN
- This ability enhances playstyles based around wet and frozen defensive cards and allows for great synergies with defensive cards such as Flood and the new base ability Thunderstorm (see more on this below). Frozen is a new mechanic that freezes enemies in place and prevents them from attacking!

When you redraw your hand, gain rice equal to how many times you have redrawn this turn
- This ability gives increases your rice income which can be useful for playing those powerful cards that require Nengu! (NENGU is a rice tax that must be paid to play certain cards. The Nengu cost increases when these cards are played.)

Gain +1 faith per turn for each follower in range of a castle
- This ability incentivises a playstyle where you focus on building housing around castles such as Chonin / samurai housing rather than Nomin or Nagaya housing which can't be played in range of a castle but are significantly cheaper.

[h3]Inari's god power cards allow for some powerful synergies:[/h3]

The Wind Rises: Move any non-boss enemy to any empty tile on your island. Protect your buildings and villagers by moving the danger away from them!
Aftershock: Destroy trees in range. Each enemy in range takes damage equal to combined health of trees destroyed, so heavily wooded areas will prove deadly to invaders.
Honour: Reset NENGU to 0 - the increasing rice tax payments you are having to make from playing powerful Nengu cards gets nullified enabling you to play more again. Less for you to pay = happy days.
Shockwave: Deal damage to an enemy equal to current NENGU costs. Sometimes high rice tax can be a good thing!

[h3]Base god power[/h3]

Inari's base god power is Thunderstorm: Deal 1 damage and apply 1 stack of WET to enemies in range.

Inari will be playable on the 4th April, and I can't wait for you to get stuck in. If you have any questions or suggestions, please do let us know in the comments!

You can also join our Discord to chat with other players and get involved with challenges.

Talk soon!