1. Stardust Exile
  2. News
  3. Version 0.8.0 Changelog

Version 0.8.0 Changelog

New update adds NPC Pirates with corresponding bounties for each pirate faction.

On the galaxy view it is now possible to see the distribution of ships throughout the galaxy.

Systems under player control now display a border delimiting their territory with an indicator of which systems are protected by disruptors and which are not.

Market orders have also been expanded to be automatically generated in other systems besides the Solar System.

v0.8.0 changelog:
- Allow to see the distribution of ships throughout the galaxy
- Add Pirates
- Add systems control borders
- Expand automatic market orders generation to more systems
- Fix visual problems with trajectories, trails, gauss shot and dyson laser on systems far away from the solar system
- Show correct planets max resources output based on the player current completed harvest research
- Fix objectives reverting to previous state for some players
- Fix planets and systems text not updating with correct materials production immediately after an outpost is constructed or upgraded
- Fix stars and planets names not being fully displayed when a lot of wide characters are used
- Fix formatting problem in planets temperature field when it is negative
- Fix sell orders table title being removed after the data was received
- Fix price scale formatting problem in market historical prices graph
- Fix Alliances and Bounties dialogs being outside of view after the window is resized
- Fix incorrect sort on the ship specific columns in the markets dialog
- Fix missing system coordinates in logs of type Transaction