1. Dummy Dungeon
  2. News
  3. Version 0.2 "Warm-up Patch" NOW AVAILABLE

Version 0.2 "Warm-up Patch" NOW AVAILABLE


6 New Perks:

  • Soft Feather (rare) - Improves dodge. Increases the chance of dodging. Creates an explosion after a successful dodge
  • Treasure Compass (rare) - After each fight, increases the chance of finding a chest
  • Exclusive Goods (epic) - Special chests will appear in stores
  • Golden Touch (legendary) - Defeated opponents will sometimes turn into a golden statue that can be smashed
  • Firefly Fighters(legendary) - Once healed, you release skylights that deal damage to all enemies in the vicinity
  • Heart of the Ocean (legendary) - Staying in the air charges the attack. Hitting the ground explodes the charge.

You can read more about the new perks in this devlog -> HERE

Weapon curse - Now has a chance to apply new weapon effects
Upgradice - Can now create new perks


3 New weapon packs to unlock in the game
  • A katana pack containing several legendary katanas with powerful effects
  • Cute weapons that are versatile for many styles of play
  • The packet from the depths of the ocean contains powerful weapons that require a specific approach to combat

New weapon effects and new weapons:
  • First love - First hit on an opponent marks him, reduces his damage and heals the player
  • Origami - Each hit increases chance and critical damage, resets after critical damage is dealt
  • Moon - A hit by an enemy puts a moon mark on him, the mark recharges with each hit.
    Charged mark explodes and deals a lot of dmg
  • And much more..


In the Forbidden Library (1st floor), there are new mage opponents and a new type of projectile that slowly accelerates in a straight line.

In the Flying Factory (2nd floor) there are more variants of opponents: steel and rusted versions:
  • Steel versions of enemies have a long attack range but are slower than other versions.
  • Rusty opponents are the most random.


Now a health bar is displayed above the opponent's heads, the bars can be enabled in the game options.


- Can get new weapons, perks and opponents
- Can now get some Robots perks

- The pirate's chests now can have legendary items and chests in general have more treasures

- Can get new weapon effects

- She can create new perks in her cauldron


- Rooms in Forbidden Library have improved and optimized geometry.
- Rooms that were already in the game now have more duels that can appear
- Added new rooms for the first and second floors in the game (the 3rd floor will receive new rooms during version 0.2)
- Added new items for all stores in the game.
- fixed a bug whereby some chests could not create weapons from unlocked weapon packs