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Lost Fleet News

Beta Update: 11.08

Update to the work in progress build. You can access the latest beta build by right clicking on Lost Fleet in your steam library -> clicking Properties -> Betas -> and selecting 'testing - beta branch' in the Beta Participation dropdown.
[h3] Improvements [/h3]

  • Fixes for multiple bugs related to camera swapping in multiplayer matches.
  • Fixed material settings that were causing strobing in command view.
  • Swapped default gamepad primary/secondary triggers.
  • UI adjustments & sprite updates. Added updated Refinery icon for fleet perk.
  • Campaign difficulty tweaks.
  • Reduced Mothership salvage value from 18,000 to 6,000.

[h3] Remaining Issues[/h3]

  • First time entering and exiting command mode as a client causes the camera switcher to stick if you're piloting a ship.
  • Buy menu perk list not resetting on post-game match reset.

Sorry about the delay, last two issues and we'll be ready for the main branch update.

Beta Update: 10.19

Update to the work in progress build. You can access the latest beta build by right clicking on Lost Fleet in your steam library -> clicking Properties -> Betas -> and selecting 'testing - beta branch' in the Beta Participation dropdown.
[h3] Improvements [/h3]

  • Increased target finder range.
  • Increased minimum ship value when calculating fleet strength (affects the pie graph).
  • Tweaked Paladin boost vfx.
  • Added missing Zeus boost sfx.
  • Tightened up Hornet camera.
  • Fixed spectate camera not immediately freeing up when selling fighters.
  • Fixed autopilot not disengaging when entering and exiting the buy menu from command mode.
  • Fixed infinite mode enemy strike group that spawned wreckage instead of ships.

[h3] Balance[/h3]

  • Revenant: Increased rocket damage from 60 to 150.
  • Ranger: Turret damage reduced from 5 to 4.

Beta Update: 10.17

Update to the work in progress build. You can access the latest beta build by right clicking on Lost Fleet in your steam library -> clicking Properties -> Betas -> and selecting 'testing - beta branch' in the Beta Participation dropdown.
[h3] Gamepad Controls:[/h3]

  • Updated default gamepad controls (you may have to restore defaults under 'Controls' menu for this to take effect).
  • If you have them, recommend enabling back buttons under steam controller settings and binding them to d-pad for easy strafing.
  • Default jump button for gamepad is now 'select' ('transcribe' on the Steam Deck).
  • Right stick button changes camera view, click hold while in a fighter to look around.
  • Tab score screen now displays in the pause menu (esc/start button).
  • Fixed spectate cam auto-look rotation for gamepad (for real this time).

If there are any functions missing from the gamepad layout let me know. Still working on side events and objectives for infinite mode but I'm leaving them out of the published builds until I have a complete roster. However since a fair amount of bugfixes and improvements have stacked up in the beta branch I'll try to get them out in a main branch update this week.

Beta Update: 10.14

Update to the work in progress build. You can access the latest beta build by right clicking on Lost Fleet in your steam library -> clicking Properties -> Betas -> and selecting 'testing - beta branch' in the Beta Participation dropdown.
[h3] Improvements [/h3]

  • Target Find now checks from primary aim reticle if the center screen doesn’t return a target.
  • Added objective completed notification.
  • Added relative fleet strength graph to the HUD.
  • Fixed label that made most asteroids invisible to AI collision avoidance.
  • Fixed Hud refresh when exiting map mode.
  • Fixed resolution scaling for buy menu perk list.
  • Fixed ranger turrets rotating off ship axis when engaging a target.

[h3] Known Issues[/h3]

  • Selling certain ships while in flight doesn't free up the spectate camera right away.
  • Entering command mode, then buy menu hotkey, then exiting properly doesn't return ship control.

Beta Update: 10.09

Update to the work in progress build. You can access the latest beta build by right clicking on Lost Fleet in your steam library -> clicking Properties -> Betas -> and selecting 'testing - beta branch' in the Beta Participation dropdown.
[h3] Improvements [/h3]

  • Added level up message to HUD and added perk descriptions to buy menu.
  • Fleet XP UI now respects the player's current team, XP bar no longer overflows.
  • Spectate cam now defaults to auto rotate when a gamepad is plugged in.
  • Fixed floaty spectate & orbital camera rotation.
  • Fix for auto turrets attacking target locked friendly ships.

[h3] Balance[/h3]

  • Added a guaranteed nearby resource deposit to Infinite Mode.
  • Reduced XP requirement for 1st fleet level up 1500 to 1200 so your first resource deposit will always grant a Refinery.
  • Decreased Mule cargo capacity from 125 to 50 (I'll be testing various tweaks to the income curve with this version).
  • Increased spawn interval of Camels from fleet perks (120 to 140s).
  • Increased Pegasus and Artemis carrier hangar respawn rates from 40 to 90s.
  • Paragon hanger respawn rates increased from 30 to 80s.

[h3] Known Issues[/h3]

  • Selling certain ships while in flight doesn't free up the spectate camera right away.
  • New perk list in the buy menu doesn’t resolution scale properly.
  • Hud doesn’t return when exiting command mode, buying a new ship resets the Hud.