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  2. News
  3. Survival Challenge #1: Coconut Night on Bootstrap Island

Survival Challenge #1: Coconut Night on Bootstrap Island

Hi, Survivors!

It is time to put your survival skills to test!! We have launched our very first Survival Challenge #1 on our Discord! It is a very simple challenge ;)

The challenge #1 is this... you will need to survive one night with only one (1!) small rock and as many coconuts as you want! This is all you are allowed! 🪨 + 🥥🥥🥥🥥

Naturally this challenge will be in roguelike mode and not the Peaceful Mode that was recently added.

For proof you need to submit 3 screenshots: 1. before the night (how prepared); 2. during the night (surviving); 3 after the night. Videos are also acceptable if you are able to upload them. And you can upload them in the ⁠🎪︱events-submission channel in Discord. The challenge ends on 25th of April.

Since this is just a beginning challenge those who complete it will obtain a new role called the @Novice Survivalist in our list of new event roles! The more events you participate in and the more you succeed the higher in the role bracket you will go!

Good luck, have fun, and try not to die! 🌴🔥

The other survivors will be waiting you and sharing their tips and tricks on Bootstrap Island Discord.