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  3. 4/27 Improved Controller Support Patch Notes

4/27 Improved Controller Support Patch Notes

Hey folks!

Happy to bring a new small update that fixes some frustrating issues with controller support (but there's still some work to do!)

1. Biggest fix is that controller focus should no longer be lost in scenarios where the quick menu is hidden, the top button in a menu is greyed out, or save file is loaded at a dialogue menu. It seems like the culprit here was allowing draggable mouse scroll on the dialogue menu, which stole focus from the individual choice buttons. This does mean that click-and-drag scrolling was sacrificed, but I don't think many players used that functionality. And you can still use your mouse wheel, arrow keys, or gamepad!

2. When in the preferences and save/load menus, buttons that hard both selected *and* hovered will now properly change color, which should reduce the feeling of the controller getting "stuck."

Right now, we're working on a solution to tie how much the scroll bar increments to the size of the previously hovered dialogue option, so things snap better and so that there are fewer options that require multiple interactions to scroll past. But we wanted to make sure you all got these improvements as soon as they were ready!

Thank you as always for your support, and happy slaying (or not slaying, but really, you should be slaying.)

Tony and Abby