1. Keeper's Toll
  2. News
  3. Patch Build 0.7.10

Patch Build 0.7.10

Here's a small patch build with a handful of bug fixes and minor changes. Thank you to everyone who reported these!

We note everything people bring to our attention, so if a change you requested is not in, or has not yet been fixed, just bear with us. Sometimes it takes a day, sometimes weeks, sometimes months before we get to things. We have a huge backlog and we are doing our best to address issues/requests, while we maintain priority on developing future content.

[h2]Patch Notes (0.7.10)[/h2]

- Restructured the UI popup display systems to prevent notifications from remaining on screen for long, unwanted durations

- Bug Fix: fixed a rare bug where merchant menu might not open. was related to multiple panels opening and frame timing issues not resetting logic properly

- Bug Fix: Ranger's kiting stance will no longer be swapped when inside the Merchant trigger area

- Sporelord Rotwood: Boss Soul now spawns offset to the right of where the boss dies, so it doesn't get hidden behind his body

- Added a backup check for earned achievements. Each the time game boots up it will check for specific achievements in case they were somehow earned in the past, but not submitted to the steam servers

- Luck starting values have all been set to 0 for each character. Luck is a completely optional stat that can be added via the Knowledge Menu or merchant items

Thank you again, and I hope everyone is having a great weekend!

Stingbot Games