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⚜️Welcome to the Sword&Shield Simulator devlog #8 ⚜️

Danburg city of kingdom

Dear players, we have decided to expand the gameplay with, among other things, a dialogue system that will make it much easier for you to learn the stories of the 🏰kingdom which is call
.... Danburg⚜️

You'll learn more about Danburg and the rest of the cities🏰 later, but a little more about the troubles of their citiznes now.

[h3]Talk to people and discover stories of the kingdom[/h3]

You will be able to talk to everybody:
  • merchants ⚖️
  • peasants 👨‍🌾
  • guards 💂
  • and even... a drunkard at the tavern! 🥂

You will learn who they are, and some will gradually unveil the game’s lore and tell you what troubles the realm.
Some people you meet along your journey will even have quests for you❔! Completing them may not only give you profit, but also valuable information📨 to discover the truth about the main character’s missing father and his ultimate fate.
Let`s see what they say 💥

The Middle Ages is a very inspiring period in the history of mankind. Of course, this is reflected in speech and dialogues. We present you with some interesting quotes from this period

Our list of inspiring and amusing quotes from the Middle Ages.

“A tale is but half told when only one person tells it.” ~ from The Saga of Grettir the Strong, written in Iceland

“When the words come, they are merely empty shells without the music. They live as they are sung, for the words are the body and the music the spirit.” ~ Hildegard von Bingen, a 12th-century German abbess

“For even he who is most greedy for knowledge can achieve no greater perfection than to be thoroughly aware of his own ignorance in his particular field. The more be known, the more aware he will be of his ignorance.” ~ Nicholas of Cusa, a 15th-century German theologian

“Don’t depend too much on anyone in this world because even your own shadow leaves you when you are in darkness.” ~ Taqî ad-Dîn Aḥmad ibn Taymiyyah, a 14th-century theologian from Syria

You can find more at the site from which we borrowed the above https://www.medievalists.net/2023/05/25-great-medieval-quotes/