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  3. Weekly Update | History Log Optimization & New Treaure!

Weekly Update | History Log Optimization & New Treaure!

[h3]History Log UI Update[/h3]

- Added a renaming feature to the history log, allowing you to change the names of your records as you wish.
- Optimized the layout of the history log, making the interface more concise.
- Optimized the reading logic of the history log. If you have a large number of records, the reading speed will now be faster.

[h3]New Treasure -[/h3]
  • Lost Component, exclusive rare Treasure for Unexpected Production - Cole:
    Overlapping Timelines no longer prevents your movement on 1st turn.

[h3]Optimization -[/h3]
  1. Fixed 2 issues of the English version.
  2. Updated the Call Support icon for Build Master.

We are still working hard on the third Spaceship! Tbh we kinda have to delete most of the recently designed Units for the new Spaceship after several rounds of internal testing. But still, progress has been made. Please stay tuned!

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