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  2. News
  3. Version 0.42

Version 0.42

This update adds an editing system which allows you to select an editing focus to apply a percentage increase to one or two episode stats at the start of the editing phase, in exchange for a percentage reduction in one or two other stats. This system is a useful way to steer the episode stat scores towards favouring particularly important stats for the genre of your show (e.g. drama for drama show, plot for a procedural), which is a key factor in the review scores that episodes receive.

There are 24 editing focuses, you start with 8 available and unlock an additional 8 when levelling the Editing Suite room to both levels 2 and 3.

[h2]Bug Fixes

- Crashes caused by having script points going beyond 60 should no longer occur.
- Character relationships reciprocated correctly, including in shows after the first one your studio makes. Previously defaulted to the first character from the first show.
- Brainstorming button will now only appear on the Writer's Room sidebar as intended.
- Some instances of production phases not ending shouldn't occur anymore (percentage complete had gone slightly above 100 and this previously caused issues).