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Under A New Sun News

New building system, sky scene updates, QoL improvements and fixes (v0.5.3)


a new building system has arrived! You will now be able to build (most of the) buildings with placeholders first and then add your materials till completion. If you don't like something, you can remove the placeholder and try something different instead.

Update to v0.5.3:
  • New building system using placeholders (not every buildable object is affected by this)
  • The amount of already added resources in the building placeholders will be saved
  • Canceling a building placeholder with already added resources will drop everything back
  • Added Brick Floor building
  • Changed multiple shader values for the sky
  • Changed some settings for the distant fog
  • Improved the textures for the neighbor planet/moon
  • Increased the size of the neighbor planet/moon
  • Added a 'C' to the temperature display on the watch (indicating the use of Celsius)
  • Fan palms will now drop a randomized, higher amount of plant fiber
  • Breaking a raft or sailboat will now also break the attached components (like a chest or torch)
  • Changed some settings for the opening of the load and save menus, to make them respond quicker
  • Fixed that canceling the building procedure of a wire takes the resources as if you have built it
  • Fixed that breaking a raft or sailboat over the sail won't drop resources
  • Fixed a problem where the Brick Stairs (0.8) won't be buildable

Thank you for the ongoing feedback and support!

Sailing variety, underwater scenery, telescope and more (v0.5.2)

Greetings Survivors,

your sailboats may now be built with two different types of sails, the square sail or the new gaff sail.
The square sail is easy to control and less expensive, but the gaff sail can get you pretty fast and has a wide span to capture the wind, choose wisely!

The underwater scenery received multiple graphical updates, from basic coloring and fog to gentle light rays and fish school particle effects.

Update to v0.5.2:
  • Added a new type of sail (Gaff sail)
  • Adjusted the speed of every sailing vessel
  • Increased to maximum angle to look upwards while controlling a boat
  • Underwater shader updates
  • Underwater fog adjusted
  • Added underwater dust particles
  • Added underwater light rays
  • Added small fish school particles
  • Changed every tropical fish type from armature animated to shader animated in particle effects (to save performance cost and to add more in certain areas without performance issues)
  • Added telescope item (can only be found)
  • Added building structure comfortable bed
  • Adjusted the rotation values for rotating buildings
  • Added a short delay after the first rotation step while building
  • Added the ability to change your tools by rotating the mouse wheel
  • Fixed that breaking plank chests and fridges dropped wrong items (only the items needed to build prior)
  • Fixed a bug where the resolution setting stopped working and didn't show any values
  • Toggling fullscreen on or off will now also need to be confirmed to prevent issues
  • Fish meat can now be placed on campfire spits
  • Fixed that an interruption of the skinning animation will make the player 'freeze'

Thank you for the ongoing feedback and support!

Hotfix Patch

Hello Survivors,

a new patch is now available.

  • Fixed a bug with the new save and reload function of loot containers, causing the loot to increase every time the game gets reloaded
  • Changed some recipes to make more use of the new long stick item
  • Changed a setting to prevent a wrong loading of the FOV setting

Thanks everyone for the feedback and support!

Hotfix Patch

Hello Survivors,

a new patch is now available.

  • Fixed that building a chest spawns a fridge
  • Fixed that some trees spawn wrong items when harvested (only gray cubes instead of long sticks)
  • Fixed some of the wires that could be found in loot boxes spawn as wrong items, even when displayed correctly (those items will still appear in the game if you reload a previous saved game)
  • Adjusted fish meat nutrition values
  • Changed the save and reload function of loot boxes and containers to spawn the loot of new, with updates added, boxes without the need of starting a new game (this function will cause some loot of already looted boxes and containers to reappear, or to be doubled in not looted boxes, in your already existing game)

Thanks everyone for the feedback and support!

Food preservation, storage and variety (v0.5.1)

Greetings Survivors,

prepare longer lasting food for your journeys and expeditions with the new smoker or store your food inside a fridge for a greatly improved shelf life, provided you have the needed resources and a source of electricity.

And keep an eye on your food over the crackling fire, it could burn if you leave it for too long!

Update to v0.5.1:
  • Added Smoker
  • Added smoked crab, fish, fish meat, meat and small meat item (Smoked food will last twice as long but provides less nutrition)
  • Added Fridge (when provided with electricity, Food Items inside will rot 5x slower)
  • Added fish meat item
  • Gutting Stingrays or Sharks will now provide fish meat
  • Added small meat item
  • Gutting Snakes or Seagulls will now provide small meat
  • Food can now burn when left too long on a fire
  • Added burnt crab, fish, fish meat, meat and small meat item
  • Added long stick item (can be harvested from trees)
  • Adjusted multiple crafting and building recipes
  • Radios can now be toggled on and off with a hit
  • Regular sticks items will now spawn with one of three different models (to prevent repetition in the environment)
  • While building snapped Foundations, Floors and Piers can now be rotated in 90 degree steps
  • Pressing a quickslot button again will now also hide the tool (same as the default 'hide tool' button)
  • Fixed a bug with the respawn of chairs
  • Already looted chests and containers will now stay open after a reload

Thank you for the ongoing feedback and support!