1. Southfield
  2. News
  3. Demo Still Available | Exclusive Skins!

Demo Still Available | Exclusive Skins!

[h2]Oh hey, look - freebies![/h2]

Our Southfield demo is up for an additional week - so while Next Fest has come to an end, there's still time to enjoy the Island, find and plant crops, play with machines and automation, meet wholesome Islanders, and more...

That's not all! Every single bud who has played our demo in the last week, and every bud that plays before the demo period ends at 4pm GMT, Monday 19th February, will get our exclusive Crash Test Dummy skin.

[h3]We've accidentally started a frog cult support group...[/h3]

For those of you who want to join us in Discord (and those who are already there), you'll be able to enjoy leaping and bouncing on lily pads in you cozy frog onesie!

Could Bud look any cuter? (If your answer is yes, all the more reason to get into Discord and suggest skins for future content drops!)

These exclusive gifts will be delivered soon after we enter Early Access. In the meantime, we just want to say a huge thank you to everyone who's played our demo, everyone who has taken the time to leave feedback, and all those who have shown support for our flip-floppy farming game.

You are the bestest buds.

Stay wibbly,