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Swirl W@tch News

Swirl Watch 1.2: Precision Gear is in the works!

Just letting you know that I started work on a second small content update for the game, mainly focused on adding a much requested quality-of-life feature: A loadout system that allows you to more easily manage your gear set-ups once you’ve got many unlocks available. You’ll be able to store up to 5 loadouts in different slots and easily reequip them later from the title screen. Your mod slection will also be saved as part of your loadouts.

Alongside that the update will also add a bunch of new items, mostly implementing some gadget ideas I have been considering for a while now. Recycler nanites will get a bit of a rework and Rhizome Blue will become more of a long range attack ship through base changes and new mods. There will be a bunch of new mods for other things as well.

1.2 Precision gear will launch within the next weeks, but I can’t say when for certain yet. See you then.
A thousand limbs uplift you!

Swirl Watch Version 1.138-1.140 (Resistance Supplies)

-Altered threshold of what is considers low range combat for adaptive difficulty scaling.
-Lethal combat kills now increase both long and short range threat profiling (was just short range before).
-Enemy mines now stay revealed after being fully identified.
-Changed mine detection UI to better contrasting color in zone 5.
-Increased rate at which ship resource manager calls in escorts.
-Some item and mod costs rebalanced.
-Flare Printer mod: increased max ammo (1-->4) and lowered regen delay (20s-->12s).
-Longnailer supf mod nerfed (20-->15 shots suppressed)
-Increased artillery gadget base damage (80-->100).
-Small objects (ships, floating chunks, wildlife) no longer block sight-line for artillery targeting.
-Increased Charge Spur emp multiplier (40%-->120%).
-Nerfed recycler wreckage disassembly SRM gain (3-->2).
-Fixed recycler not using up charges when disassembling wreckage.
-Fixed recycler targeting sometimes not obeying range restrictions.
-Fixed certain enemy sonar emitters not reacting to damage.
-Fixed ships/wrecks becoming hidden while held if they are disabled/created within concealing circular hazards.
-Fixed a collision issue on a structure in [redacted].
-Fixed a situation in which multiple non-NPC objects could be tagged/affected by a single shot.
-Fixed player exiting deafened state not resetting certain sfx volumes correctly.
-Fixed bad damage calculation on Charge Spur collisions.
-Fixed a potential zone softlock that can happen if a comms encryption key satellite is destroyed after objective completion.
-Fixed guards reporting volunteer ships as hostile in distress after they have been disabled and dropped by the player (?)
-Fixed being player being able board-grab ships through walls with high enough melee range.
-Corrected some tooltips.

-Decreased lvl 1 mission PS gain multipliers.
-Increased mission PS gain multipliers for all missions above lvl 1.
-Added some additional info to the bridge hit manual page.
-Kill switch database can no longer target boss enemies.
-Fixed a bug preventing Informer Class from assisting nearby search actions with sonar.
-Fixed cargo crates becoming non-intractable after a guard pops an attached balloon.
-Fixed unit death sounds being unaffected by foam sound suppression (?)
-Fixed a situation resulting in bad LOS check when attempting to use artillery or long range melee.

-Some items rebalanced.
-Lvl 1 missions now get an increasing PS gain penalty once you have unlocked higher lvl missions.
-Further increased mission PS gain multipliers for lvl 4+ missions.
-CorPo Proving Grounds now generates with more access paths to outpost chunks.
-All boss ships now have further improved anti-reflex systems.
-All boss ships, CorPo Riot Control and Enforcer Class now have increased blind recovery rate.
-Impeding foam now depletes faster when ships with powerful engines get stuck within.
-Ships that revive through redundant systems now also pull you out of reflex mode.
-Bosses now clear cascade state faster.
-Cascade damage is now capped at 30dmg every 2 seconds.
-Fixed a problem where completing a comms key objective might interfere with other stationary objective completion.

Hyperspace Deck Command Demo Released!

Hi there Sleeper Games crowd. To be a part of Steam’s ongoing Deckbuilder Fest I put together an early experimental demo for Hyperspace Deck Command, my upcoming sci-fi deckbuilding roguelite that will also be the third entry in the Hyperspace Anthology. You can try it right now here on Steam.

The game has only been in development for 5 months now, so this is still just a small part of what is yet to come. In the demo you can fight your way through 5 different simulation encounters using a randomized starter deck, culminating in an super long final battle hat requires a powerful fleet and proper mastery of the game’s fresh dual-use status effect system. A lot of main features (starting deck selection, card upgrades, stores) are still missing though, but I hope you get a few hours of fun out of it regardless.

I'm sure it makes up for the lack of content with an abundant supply of bugs, so feel free to contact me on discord with reports (link in the pause menu). I'm looking forward to your general feedback too! Please wishlist the game on Steam if you want to support its development.
Stefan – Sleeper Games

Swirl Watch Version 1.134 (Resistance Supplies)

-WRNCH ARM should now be able to sabotage any sabotage targets.
-Strange matter spills can no longer hide ships.
-Added a safeguard to prevent an unclear scenario in which H-WAVE RADAR would stop working after zone transition.
-Fixed a issues when boss enemies try to personally call off alerts.
-Fixed enemy placed gadgets not being tagged on hack.
-Fixed disguise tutorial becoming available too early.
-Fixed resupply marker desc showing resupply cost even when having free resupplies available.
-Fixed boss intel not always tagging all bosses.
-Fixed weapons with adaptive spread receiving their max accuracy when quick selected.
-Fixed various issues with several specific gear mods.
-Fixed issues when reaching negative max health (?).
-Fixed a problem with hiding ships when multiple circular hazard are in range.
-Fixed EVOLVING VERMIN not affecting hack-modded tripwire.
-Fixed LIGHT ABSORBING HULL not taking effect.
-Fixed hazard spawners not creating sound on death.
-Fixed missing disguise anim for corpo square.
-Fixed bad fence generation on a late game map.
-Fixed some object placement issues.
-Fixed some issues with text formating.
-Fixed some incorrect tooltips.
-Fixed some typos.

Swirl Watch Version 1.133 (Resistance Supplies)

-Enemy mag mines now cause occasional cam glitches when they are nearby.
-Enemy mag mine explosions now have minor damage drop off.
-Reduced adaptive difficulty minefield scaling.
-Fixed a problem with evacing from lvl 5 missions phase 3.
-Fixes melee locked state when minor object are destroyed while in a certain part of the boarding process.
-Fixed dealing EW damage to units hidden in circular hazard creating repeated "Hidden!" text.
-Fixed some issues with hiding things in circular hazards.
-Fixed some issues with item stacking.
-Fixed some instances of repeated report attempts during comms blackout.
-Fixed enemy DIR MINE not triggering sound response on detonation.