1. Swirl W@tch
  2. News
  3. Swirl Watch Version 1.134 (Resistance Supplies)

Swirl Watch Version 1.134 (Resistance Supplies)

-WRNCH ARM should now be able to sabotage any sabotage targets.
-Strange matter spills can no longer hide ships.
-Added a safeguard to prevent an unclear scenario in which H-WAVE RADAR would stop working after zone transition.
-Fixed a issues when boss enemies try to personally call off alerts.
-Fixed enemy placed gadgets not being tagged on hack.
-Fixed disguise tutorial becoming available too early.
-Fixed resupply marker desc showing resupply cost even when having free resupplies available.
-Fixed boss intel not always tagging all bosses.
-Fixed weapons with adaptive spread receiving their max accuracy when quick selected.
-Fixed various issues with several specific gear mods.
-Fixed issues when reaching negative max health (?).
-Fixed a problem with hiding ships when multiple circular hazard are in range.
-Fixed EVOLVING VERMIN not affecting hack-modded tripwire.
-Fixed LIGHT ABSORBING HULL not taking effect.
-Fixed hazard spawners not creating sound on death.
-Fixed missing disguise anim for corpo square.
-Fixed bad fence generation on a late game map.
-Fixed some object placement issues.
-Fixed some issues with text formating.
-Fixed some incorrect tooltips.
-Fixed some typos.