1. Swirl W@tch
  2. News
  3. Swirl Watch Version 1.138-1.140 (Resistance Supplies)

Swirl Watch Version 1.138-1.140 (Resistance Supplies)

-Altered threshold of what is considers low range combat for adaptive difficulty scaling.
-Lethal combat kills now increase both long and short range threat profiling (was just short range before).
-Enemy mines now stay revealed after being fully identified.
-Changed mine detection UI to better contrasting color in zone 5.
-Increased rate at which ship resource manager calls in escorts.
-Some item and mod costs rebalanced.
-Flare Printer mod: increased max ammo (1-->4) and lowered regen delay (20s-->12s).
-Longnailer supf mod nerfed (20-->15 shots suppressed)
-Increased artillery gadget base damage (80-->100).
-Small objects (ships, floating chunks, wildlife) no longer block sight-line for artillery targeting.
-Increased Charge Spur emp multiplier (40%-->120%).
-Nerfed recycler wreckage disassembly SRM gain (3-->2).
-Fixed recycler not using up charges when disassembling wreckage.
-Fixed recycler targeting sometimes not obeying range restrictions.
-Fixed certain enemy sonar emitters not reacting to damage.
-Fixed ships/wrecks becoming hidden while held if they are disabled/created within concealing circular hazards.
-Fixed a collision issue on a structure in [redacted].
-Fixed a situation in which multiple non-NPC objects could be tagged/affected by a single shot.
-Fixed player exiting deafened state not resetting certain sfx volumes correctly.
-Fixed bad damage calculation on Charge Spur collisions.
-Fixed a potential zone softlock that can happen if a comms encryption key satellite is destroyed after objective completion.
-Fixed guards reporting volunteer ships as hostile in distress after they have been disabled and dropped by the player (?)
-Fixed being player being able board-grab ships through walls with high enough melee range.
-Corrected some tooltips.

-Decreased lvl 1 mission PS gain multipliers.
-Increased mission PS gain multipliers for all missions above lvl 1.
-Added some additional info to the bridge hit manual page.
-Kill switch database can no longer target boss enemies.
-Fixed a bug preventing Informer Class from assisting nearby search actions with sonar.
-Fixed cargo crates becoming non-intractable after a guard pops an attached balloon.
-Fixed unit death sounds being unaffected by foam sound suppression (?)
-Fixed a situation resulting in bad LOS check when attempting to use artillery or long range melee.

-Some items rebalanced.
-Lvl 1 missions now get an increasing PS gain penalty once you have unlocked higher lvl missions.
-Further increased mission PS gain multipliers for lvl 4+ missions.
-CorPo Proving Grounds now generates with more access paths to outpost chunks.
-All boss ships now have further improved anti-reflex systems.
-All boss ships, CorPo Riot Control and Enforcer Class now have increased blind recovery rate.
-Impeding foam now depletes faster when ships with powerful engines get stuck within.
-Ships that revive through redundant systems now also pull you out of reflex mode.
-Bosses now clear cascade state faster.
-Cascade damage is now capped at 30dmg every 2 seconds.
-Fixed a problem where completing a comms key objective might interfere with other stationary objective completion.