1. Supreme Ruler 2030
  2. News
  3. Supreme Ruler 2030 Update 1278 is now Live

Supreme Ruler 2030 Update 1278 is now Live

We realize that it's only been a few days since the last public update, but the community was quick to find some flaws in the new sanctions system, and we accidentally broke some of the tech tree in the last update, so adjusted our focus to get a new update ready as quickly as we could.

With version 1278, we've solved all the bugs that have been identified in the sanctions system. There may still be other issues, so please let us know if you see flaws in the system.

Below you'll find the full changelog for version 1278. It's a short list since it's been less than a week since the last update.

  • Many fixes to sanctions, hopefully we've addressed all the issues.
  • Events for Sweden to join NATO
  • Updates to tech tree (which had introduced a potential crash, now fixed)
  • Fixed "camera jump" that happened occasionally
  • Minor text and translation fixes
  • Ongoing updates to the tech tree file in /Misc (about 75% complete)

If you missed the annoucement about sancations, you can hear about it in this video.

Full details of the feature can be found on our SupremeWiki: