1. Alchemist: The Potion Monger
  2. News
  3. Patch #9 - Improved Gamepad Support

Patch #9 - Improved Gamepad Support

[h3]Hello Alchemists!
We present the next Alchemist: The Potion Monger update! It's centered around improving the gamepad support and modifying the UI to work better with it.
As always seasoned with a handful of bug fixes![/h3]
That's Patch #9 - Improved Gamepad Support for you:

[h3]UI Improvements[/h3]

Many UI panels and the Almanac were tweaked to work better with the gamepad. You'll no longer feel that you're playing the keyboard and mouse game with your controller.


Now all gamepad users' experience will be enhanced with the vibrations, accompanying them while using the tools, brewing potions, interacting with the game world, using potions, and many more!

[h3]Easier Interactions[/h3]

We improved interaction with small objects such as Red Eyes, Flies, etc. while using the gamepad. No more testing your nerves and reflexes while trying to interact with them!

  • Weapons no longer glow in the dark
  • Japanese language unresponsive UI fixed
  • Red-eyes no longer die when sleeping during the mission
  • Contracts no longer fail to load when loading old save files
  • Fixed issues with drawing distance
  • Fixed issues with the emission on the lamps at night

Thanks again for your feedback on Discord as well as on Steam Discussions.
You guys are amazing!
Happy Brewing AGS Team