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  2. News
  3. April 2024 Development Update

April 2024 Development Update

Hi all, Tom here!

So, I managed to actually take some time off in April to recharge, relax, and play some games. It was very much needed, but that doesn't mean I wasn't able to get some fun things working for CRT7!

Colourful Haunted Doors

So last dev diary I told you I was working on a new section of the game, involving some very haunted doors. I'm glad to report that section is now playable from start to finish! Of course, because I can't help myself, it's become a little more complicated than I originally planned. It now has a couple of small, satisfying little puzzles to work out which will help tie this section better into the themes of CRT7, so I think it was worth it. Also, it's gotten a little bit more colourful:


(I've also tweaked the round tables you occasionally see as it was upsetting me how pointy they were!) Anyway, once this section is completed you can continue with your journey in the main room, with the computer unlocked. Time to play one of those new modes to turn on some lights? Or maybe to search for more things hidden in the dark. Perhaps you'll even find a use for those pentominoes you've been discovering around the room!

A Brief Interlude

If you're reading these posts, I'm going to assume you're probably at least somewhat into game or puzzle design. If so, you might also be interested in a talk I gave this month at the inaugural ThinkyCon 2024. It was all about how I've transitioned my design thinking from SOLAS 128 to CRT7, with some basics of how our visual system works which you can use to help design your own games. You'll definitely see some of the tricks used in CRT7! If you're interested, you can watch the talk for free on YouTube here:


May-be More Progress!

So, what's next? First off, I need to test this new section a little more and make sure I've not broken anything major. So far it's working well, but save systems are fiddly so I'm suspicious... The next major step, as I've alluded to previously, is to get the next part of the main room unlocked. This is already functional thanks to work the last couple of months, but I need to consider and test the order in which things are unlocked so players aren't overwhelmed too much.

The puzzles in the main room are designed to slowly get more complicated and intertwined, but it's a careful balancing act as the possibility space will keep increasing and that can make things get very difficult, very fast – as you might have experienced in SOLAS 128! Still, I want there to be lots of surprises and secrets, so expect plenty of continued weirdness to come!

As always playing, sharing, and wishlisting is hugely helpful and allows solo developers like me to make weird games for you to enjoy. So, if you haven't already, please do nudge a friend or two to try the demo and wishlist CRT7 as well:

Keep your eyes peeled and I'll see you again soon for another development update!

- Amicable Animal