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Different Strokes News

More Small Changes

  • The top 6 paintings from the Gallery of the Week, appear in the main game around the GotW portal.
  • Added a "controls" page to the pause menu describing all the keyboard controls.
  • The 0-6 keys can now be used to toggle through all the colors (see controls page)
  • Added UI pieces to indicate the currently selected color when using the Brush or Paint Bucket tool.
  • Made the server faster again to handle the 651,218 paintings submitted so far.

Lots of small updates!

Changes since the last update:
  • Steam achievements!
  • Significant server performance improvements.
  • In the pause menu there is now a "Graphics Settings" button, which takes you to a new screen where you can set the game's resolution.
  • Added a little text to the bottom of the painting UI to indicate the gallery of the week theme if you're in the gallery of the week.
  • Added a confirm yes/no step when you click Upload on a painting.
  • Added experimental support for Redo. There's no button in the UI, but if you have undone changes(CTRL + Z), you can redo them by pressing (CTRL + SHIFT + Z) or (CTRL + Y)
  • There is now a "remove from my likes" button on the paintings in the "My Likes" section. Clicking this will remove the painting from appearing in your "My Likes" but it does NOT subtract your like from the painting's like total.
  • It's now possible to open the settings menu while you're painting by pressing 'p' This makes it possible to turn pen pressure on and off while you're painting.
  • For Deluxe users there is now a new brush 0 that is a small as it can possibly be before you start getting dotted lines. The old size 0 is now size 1, size 1 is 2 etc...
  • For Deluxe users there is now a "Send to Easel" button on all paintings that have only been painted once. This will allow you to send that painting to your studio easel where you can paint on it and use the "save draft" functionality. Remember that this will clear whatever is currently on your easel.

Dark Mode! And several small updates

  • In the pause menu there is now a checkbox for "Dark Mode" which makes most of the 3D models in the game black instead of white. This should hopefully help reduce eye strain.
  • There is now a "restart" button in the pause menu which restarts the gallery and updates your "my likes", "my paintings" and the notification icon in the upper right corner of the login kiosk.
  • When logged in, the login kiosk now has a "my paintings" button that opens your user page on the website.
  • The Deluxe Edition now has a checkbox for "pen pressure" This is not guaranteed to work and will only work if "Windows Ink" is ENABLED in your tablet driver's settings.

As always, join us in the Discord for more frequent updates! There are a ton of amazing artist in there as well!