1. Deponia
  2. News
  3. Deponia - Patch 3.2 scheduled for Monday 17.11.2014

Deponia - Patch 3.2 scheduled for Monday 17.11.2014

Hi everyone,

we’re happy to announce that we are releasing the patch 3.2 for Deponia on Monday 17th, 2014.

This update brings Deponia to the engine and patch level of Deponia - The Complete Journey, containing performance improvements and several hundred bugfixes throughout the game. But that also means that you will need to re-download the whole game. Savegames will stay compatible.

Please note that there might be some bugs included in your savegames which can’t be solved by the patch. In that case, please contact our support team via [email protected]. They have already prepared all potentially necessary savegames for you!

Changelog Deponia 3.2

Fixed low frame rate on some systems
Fixed possible plotstopper on the Operator's Platform
Fixed problems with the Droggeljug mode and achievement for some players
Fixed black screen problem for players with Retina Macs
Added Portuguese language
Added Linux platform