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The Game Master's Guide!

[h2]Start At The Very Beginning! ๐Ÿ™Œ[/h2]

A very good place to start! Today, weโ€™re covering the GM Guide of Tales of Fablecraft. This update contains light spoilers for The Road to The Starfall Festival, session 3.

Whether you're a brand new or veteran GM, our ready-to-play adventures provide intuitive tools, helpful direction, and maximum fun for all!


[h2]Looking For Guidance? ๐Ÿ”ฎ[/h2]

Our GM Guide serves up exactly what you need, when you need it, helping you to steer your party through the adventure!

To start, select the adventure that you would like to run and jump in! For the purpose of this update, we're going to use The Road to the Starfall Festival, session 3 as our main example.

[h2]Prep For Adventure! ๐Ÿ“œโš”๏ธ[/h2]

Now that we've selected our adventure, open the tray on the righthand side by clicking on the GM Guide icon at the top. This will display all of the upcoming sessions for the adventure.

The GM Adventure Guide provides a high-level overview of the complete adventure. It gives you a heads up about the places you'll go, the NPCs and creatures you'll encounter, and contains some handy tips for running the adventure, too.

[h2]Setting The Scene! ๐ŸŒ„[/h2]

We're starting session 3 of The Road to the Starfall Festival, so let's set the scene before we begin! The GM guide shows you where in Mythas we are going to be. In this case, your players will be attempting to enter an Old World Ruin.

Simply click the plus sign in the Scene Change box and watch the Ruin come to life!

Both the players and the GM have the option to toggle Animated Scenes on and off, the choice is up to you.

Whatever your preference, this will not affect what everyone else sees in the scene. We are striving to make each experience as customizable as possible!

[h2]Music + Soundscapes ๐Ÿ”Š[/h2]

Tales of Fablecraft is more than just pretty artwork โ€“ we also have music and soundscapes!

The GM has an abundance of music and soundscape options to choose from. To view them, just hit the Jukebox icon at the bottom of the side tray.

If you're running an adventure from the GM Guide, thematically appropriate music and soundscapes automatically play with every scene


Check out a preview of what this scene can sound like on our YouTube channel!

[h2]Read Aloud! ๐Ÿ’ฌ[/h2]

There are all kinds of notes and tips for GMs as we make our way through the session guide. Handy Read Aloud sections provide scripted moments to read to players. These Read Aloud moments can help to anchor you back into the story or give you a well-earned break from improvising.

Follow the text or go off-script as much as you like! The guide is here to assist you in whatever way works best for you and your party.

At the beginning of our example adventure, the GM Guide gives a quick recap of the previous session, before helping you set the scene for session 3.

The guide tells you to read aloud: "There are 2 Shadow Bandits and a leashed Timberwolf at the entrance (to the Old World Ruin). The Bandits' heads are bent low toward one another, as though discussing something."

The GM Guide will sometimes include prompts to add NPC or creature tokens to the story scene.

Alternatively, we can go over to the Character icon on the tray and pull out some Foes for our players. ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

[h2]Group Choice ๐Ÿค”[/h2]

Time for your players to decide what to do next! While they discuss amongst themselves, this is a good time to remind yourself what options are available to the players at this point in the guide.

Again, how closely you follow the guide is entirely up to you!

We try to anticipate potential player choices and provide narratively appropriate advice, whether your players want to go the stealthy route or crossbows blazing!

As any seasoned GMs know, players can always surprise you with wild suggestions - the GM Guide makes it easy to serve up skill roll requests and adapt them to your players' whims!

[h2]Prepare For Battle! โš”๏ธ ๐Ÿ”ฅ[/h2]

Whatever your players decide to do, odds are that it may not go exactly as planned.

In the event that they don't manage to charm the guards and their canine companion, it's time to pull out the Battlemap!

As easy as one, two, three, combat! Click the plus sign under the Load Battlemap section and get ready for a fight!

The music will automatically change to something more epic when you load battlemaps from the GM Guide. The battlemaps are pre-populated with the right villains from the story, and it's easy to remove tokens (or add more) depending on your players' choices.

[h2]To The Victor Go The Spoils ๐Ÿ†[/h2]

Phew! That was a close one but it looks like your players won the day! You know what that means? LOOT, LOOT, LOOT! ๐Ÿ™Œ

In the guide, there is a list of items that the players can find if they decide to rifle through the pockets of the defeated Foes.ย 

There are also dialogue suggestions for the Shadow Bandits, should your players decide to interrogate them!

While we're in Closed Beta, our game is still getting regular updates. Easily accessible and story specific inventory is gradually being added to the GM Guide, so GMs can simply drag and drop items from the guide into a player's inventory.

For now, let's go over to the Inventory icon on the tray and pull out some fun items to reward our players for a job well done! ๐Ÿธ

[h2]End The Session! ๐Ÿคฉ[/h2]

And that's session 3 of The Road to the Starfall Festival. The guide will have you set up the next scene and give you suggestions on where to end.

Tease the upcoming session and leave your players on a fun cliffhanger!

Until next time, Mages!

[h2]Wishlist Us On Steam! ๐Ÿ’™[/h2]

Be sure to Wishlist us on Steam and join our party on Discord!
