1. CivIdle
  2. News
  3. Patch Notes: 0.7.1 Experimental Linux Support

Patch Notes: 0.7.1 Experimental Linux Support

  • Bugfix: Managed import will no longer modify the max input distance of a building - instead, the max input distance will simply be ignored. This allows the max input distance to take effect when upgrading
  • Bugfix: Fix a bug where sometimes managed import cause certain import to be set to 0
  • QoL: Highlight 2-tile range when managed import is activated
  • Bugfix: Throttle sound effect to one instance per sound
  • QoL: Improve the graphics performance of large maps

[h3]Linux Support[/h3]
With 0.7.1, an experimental native Linux build has been published. If you play CivIdle on Linux (including Steam Deck), you can try if the new Linux build works better for you. If you encounter any issues, use this thread to get help. Since I do not use Linux myself, the Linux support is provided on a best-effort basis.