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  3. The Ultimate Beginner Guide to South Pole Bebop

The Ultimate Beginner Guide to South Pole Bebop

[h3]Our team has published an ultimate beginner guide to help you get started in South Pole Bebop![/h3]


You can also find the guide in the "Guides" in the South Pole Bebop Community Hub.
The guide is helpful for both rookie and experienced players as it covers the basics of South Pole Bebop.

[h3]Intermediate and Advanced guides[/h3]
Later on, we will publish Intermediate and Advanced guides for experienced players or those who wish to improve. Keep up with our updates by following South Pole Bebop on Steam!

[h3]Join Our Discord Server[/h3]
South Pole Bebop Official Discord Server
There you can chat with other players, turn-based enthusiasts, and indie game lovers. On our Discord, we post updates and event announcements and gather feedback from our community!

[h3]Follow South Pole Bebop on Social Media[/h3]
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