1. Disaster Band
  2. News
  3. Update to version 1.12

Update to version 1.12

Hello fellow Disaster Bandmates!

The good things keep on coming.
In this case a new content patch that not only gives you more choice in terms of songs and instruments, e.g., now you can play the traditional Chinese instrument Erhu, but also some technical improvements.


But we don’t want to keep you longer than necessary from taking center stage so here are the changes and additions:

[FEATURE] Background tracks can now be either .mp3 files or .wav files, to allow for smaller song directories. Also, the .wav files of all the base tracks have been replaced with .mp3 files.
[FEATURE] A new hint after the start screen has been added that shows the user Steam workshop songs that he has not subscribed to. This can be adjusted and also disabled in the settings.
[FEATURE] A button to download the missing song will be shown to the user when the host selects a Steam workshop song that is missing. The game no longer has to be restarted.
[FEATURE] The animation for the Theremin is now more satisfying. There now is more visual feedback for pressing the play button.
[FEATURE] A new animation for the Choir has been added.
[FEATURE] A new traditional Chinese instrument, the Erhu, has been added, including a custom animation.
[FEATURE] A new instrument has been added: The Cat. Miaow!
[FEATURE] A new song 'Frère Jacques' has been added.

Enjoy while we prepare the next content serving coming to your screen very soon!

The teams from

Produktivkeller Studios and Toplitz Productions