1. Imperial Ambitions
  2. News
  3. Enjoy settling in the new world with the new updates!

Enjoy settling in the new world with the new updates!

[h3]New features[/h3]
With recent updates you can now specialize your explorers, create settlers, found new towns, watch refugees move independently, and more...

[h3]Reactive Citizens[/h3]
Citizens are more likely to react to what's going on around. Rioting citizens can vandalize other citizens, or even massacre minorities. At the same time, minorities can choose to migrate to other towns for safety and oppurtunity.

[h3]New Resources[/h3]
Grape is now added as a resource to the campaign map available to make beverages and keep your peasants content.

[h3]UI Changes[/h3]
You can view your regiments in the new UI list on the left of the screen

New soundtrack, "Renaissance" by Emil Posner, is now added to the main campaign.

These and more are now available in the playtest!